Chapter 14

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3rd person's PoV

  A large sign with the words:

                                                                           Fall Masquerade Dance

                                                                                 12th November

                                                                                     Sports Hall

splashed across it pointed them down the corridor to the left. Two turns later and they found themselves facing large double doors. Another similar sign was taped across one of the wooden panels. "Ok, we're only a couple years older so we should be able to mingle unnoticed. If you are approached, Mist em." Reyna said, adjusting her own blue mask. "Yes ma,am." Nico replied with a mock bow. Reyna chuckled and pulled another box out of her pocket. "Almost forgot." she inserted a boutonniere into the lapel of Nico's jacket and allowed him to tie the accompanying corsage around her wrist. Then he pushed the doors open.

  The hall was already half-full, soft music playing overhead. Some couples were dancing, others lounging in chairs, chatting with their friends. They hung their parkas and tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible. "How're you liking high school so far?" Nico asked as they settled themselves at a tall table. "Well this is my first dance, and the boy that I brought to this masquerade still hasn't asked me to dance. I've no idea what's keeping him." she replied. They both laughed. "You know, you never really asked me to the dance. You kept saying 'it's a surprise!' " Nico replied. Reyna rolled her eyes and laughed again, "Fine. Nico Di Angelo, would you sneak into a high school's fall masquerade dance with me?" "Well I'm here aren't I?" Nico smiled. "So wanna dance?" he continued. "Well duh, I brought you here didn't I." Reyna replied.

  10 minutes later they returned to the table. "Well that was fun." Reyna said. "And surprisingly tiring." Nico added. "Want a drink?" she asked. "Yeah, thanks." he asked. Reyna disappeared into the crowd. However, Nico wasn't left alone with his thoughts. Only a few seconds later, he sensed someone's presence at his side. Thinking it was Reyna he looked up, but it was someone else. A girl wearing a strapless silver dress and a matching mask was standing at his shoulder. "Heyy." she said. "Hi?" Nico replied, "Do I know you?" "Not yet," she said, taking a step closer, "but you can if you want. I know somewhere where I can show you a real good time." She took another step forward, making her uncomfortably close. "Cuz you're cute." she said leaning in. "OK." Nico replied. He gently took hold of her shoulders and firmly yet gently pushed the girl off himself. "Firstly, I don't sleep with any slut that tries to seduce me. Secondly, you disgust me. Thirdly, I have a date and she is the most amazing, loving, passionate and beautiful person that I've ever met. You're not even worth comparing to her."

  "Nico?" a much more familiar voice said a metre behind him. Nico turned to see Reyna holding two cups of punch. "That's her." Nico said, tilting his head in Reyna's direction. The girl stared at the two of them, then turned on her heel and stormed off through the crowd. "Thanks Neeks." Reyna said, she put down the cups and flung her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. "I meant that, every word." Nico said into her raven black locks. As they pulled away, the tune changed - a slow dance. "May I have this dance?" Nico asked. "Yes, yes you may." Reyna replied. Graciously, he took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. 

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