Chapter 5

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Nico's PoV

  We spun, ducking low behind a rack of track pants, and peered out the window. A squad car had pulled up outside, its lights casting flickering red and white flashes along the streets. Two cops had gotten out of the vehicles and had their firearms trained at the store window. I felt Reyna grasp my hand, "Get us out of here Neeks!" she hissed. My gaze darted around the store, "No good!" I replied, "Their lights are eliminating all the good shadows, back door now!" We spun and bolted for the door behind the counter. Running through the back of the store, we passed shelves stacked with boxes and several racks of clothes. There weren't however any shadows big enough for the both of us.

  Reaching the back door, Reyna unsheathed a knife and slashed through the lock, the imperial gold slicing through the steel with no resistance. We burst through the door and tumbled into the alleyway behind the shop. We sprinted to the mouth of the alley just as the two policemen rounded the corner a few metres away. "Run!" Reyna said, and we bolted down the street. "Stop!" one cop yelled as they gave chase. Thank goodness for our respectives camps training, or they would have caught us easily. As it was, we barely kept ahead of them, laboured by our bags and the additional load of the skates.

  We needed to get out of here and fast. I scanned the street for an exit and saw one. "There," I said to Reyna, pointing at a dark shadow a dumpster cast on the pavement. She nodded, and we sprinted for the pool of blackness. Unfortunately, the cops got there at the same time as us. Just as one of their hands caught me around the arm, I slipped off my bag and shoved Reyna into the shadow. "Central Park!" I thought urgently, just as my fingers left her sleeve and she dissolved into darkness. Then both cops tackled me. "Where did the other one go?" one officer asked bewildered, both looking around to see where Reyna had disappeared to. They cuffed me, and hauled me to my feet. "Where did your friend go?" one of them demanded, but I said nothing. "Not willing to talk eh? Well fine, save it for the judge." They escorted me back to the squad car and trucked me off to the station. I was in for a rough night.

AN: I know they could have shadow travelled in the back of the store, but plot.

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