Chapter 6

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Reyna's PoV

  I materialised near a bench in Central Park, nearly scaring the wits out of a couple sitting there, who scurried off in a hurry. "Sorry." I called after them. I momentarily, thought of Nico and I sitting on that bench together, just enjoying each other's presence. I shook the thought out of my head, Nico had just been arrested, I needed to focus. I hefted his bag onto my back, and tried to find my way out of the park. 5 minutes later, I found the main road. Asking for directions, I found the police precinct 20 minutes later. I headed for it, and stashed our packs in some bushes near the building, keeping only my gladius in dagger form.

  I kept a low profile as I entered, the few people there only giving me a glancing look. They probably assumed I was a homeless teen seeking shelter from the cold. "Hi, I'm here to bail my friend out." I said to the sleepy officer on duty. She looked up, sighed and grabbed a set of keys. "I'll need all your particulars." she said, as she led me down a corridor. She turned a corner and we came to the cell. I glanced at the holding cell, besides Nico there were 5 others there, and all but Nico and another man were asleep. Both looked up as I entered, and I shot Nico a look that said "Wait for my lead." "I'm afraid I can't provide you with any of that." I said to the guard. "What are yo-?" said the guard turning to me. But as she faced me, I lifted a hand and snapped my fingers in her face. "Sorry about this." I said, doing my best to bend the Mist to my will. A cloud seemed to pass over her face and her eyes rolled up into her head, she lolled against the wall. "Hey sweetheart, wanna get me out of here." said the man opposite Nico. I held back a gag, "Sure hon." I replied, giving him a sweet smile. I slipped the keys out of the officer's hand and unlocked the cell.

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