Chapter 3

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3rd person's PoV

  Reyna spun, her sword in her hand in an instant, the point resting on the neck of a tall-ish boy in a leather jacket and black t-shirt. Nothing but that and a fair of faded jeans stood between him and the cold. Unfazed by the imperial gold blade at his throat, the boy casually lifted an eyebrow. Reyna rolled her eyes and lowered her blade. "What are you doing out here Nico?" she said, sheathing her sword. "I asked you first." Nico replied. She sighed, "If you must know, I'm going on a trip. As you must have heard, I just stepped down from praetorship, so it's time for me to get away from it all, the responsibility, the work, everything. A time for me to just have some fun." Nico nodded thoughtfully, "I see, not a bad idea to be honest." he replied. "How long a trip are you planning?" "Dunno," Reyna answered, "long enough I guess." "Not a good idea for a demigod to be alone in the world." Nico reminded. "I can take care of myself Neeks." Reyna said. "Oh I don't doubt it." Nico replied, raising his arms in surrender.

  Reyna sighed, she knew what was coming. "Neeks, this camp needs you." "They can survive without me for a while." he answered, "C'mon Rey, you're 22 I'm 21, it'll be like the Athena Parthenos trip, except no Satyr and no mission." Reyna shook her head, sighed and laughed, "Alright, if you wanna tag along, you'd better keep up."

  Nico waved his hand and a shadow of a bush darkened, solidifying into a camping pack.

  "Ready when you are." : he said, picking it up. Reyna rolled her eyes, "Show off." she said. Together, they stepped over the boundary and strolled off down the hill.

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