Chapter 4

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3rd person PoV

  They materialized in an alleyway in the middle of Manhattan. Reyna straightened up and shook her head. "Haven't done that in a while." she said, the disorientation passing. Nico chuckled "Smoother than last time huh." "A little," : Reyna replied. "what's the time?" Nico checked his watch, an antique analog one from Hades - anything more advanced would be too dangerous for use by a demigod. "Almost 10.30." he replied. "Excellent." she said, pulling out her notepad. She flipped it open and scanned the top of the list. "First stop, sports store." Reyna announced. They strolled down the street, following a map that Reyna had obtained of Manhattan.

  When they arrived at the shop, they found it dark and empty. Snow was falling slightly harder now and the street behind them was deserted. Reyna pulled her hood down over her fringe and then slid Nico's down over his eyes. "Wow Rey!" Nico said, readjusting his hood. She laughed and turned to the locked door in front of them. "I was going to jimmy the lock, but now that you're here..." she said. Nico rolled his eyes and muttered "Is that all I'm good for?" he mumbled. He took her hand and they stepped forward. The shadows of the store door frame folded around them, enveloping them before spitting them out on the other side. "Yes." Reyna teased, "Now, ice skates." They walked over to a rack and picked a pair each, trying them on for size.

  Reyna eyed some jackets, "Aren't you cold?" she asked, looking at Nico, who was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a leather jacket in sub-zero temperatures. "I'm the son of Hades," he replied, "I don't get cold." Reyna looked at him with an "Are you serious?" expression. Nico held the stare for 15 seconds before sighing and choosing a black jacket from the rack. Reyna chuckled and walked over to the counter. Placing her bag on the floor, she rummaged for the bag of cash. "You do realise that my dad literally owns every piece of valuable material in the world, right." Nico chuckled. "Be my guest." Reyna laughed, stepping back. Nico stooped to the floor and placed a hand on the ground and closed his eyes in concentration. With a groaning creak, the floor split open to yield a large gold nugget. A triumphant grin on his face, Nico plucked it from the crack, which immediately closed. He tossed the lump to Reyna, who held it up to the faint streetlight sifting through the window. Even in the dim light, the gold flashed brilliantly.

  Reyna turned to Nico, "I thought you represented the death side of Hades?" she asked. "Riches are more Hazel's expertise, but I'm not completely helpless." Nico admitted, "That there is about 200 bucks." Reyna grinned and set it on the counter. They weren't going to break into someone's store and leave them with nothing. Unfortunately, not everybody was under the same impression. As they turned to leave, a blinding white light suddenly blazed through the front window. A loud voice yelled "Both of you come out of there now! Keep your hands where we can see them!" 

Partners in Crime - ReynicoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя