Chapter 13

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Reyna's PoV

  We appeared back in Central Park in Manhattan and Nico immediately took a nap - the jump across the Atlantic had worn him out. While he slept, I did some scouting and preparation for our final excursion. Nico had awoken by the time I returned to the camp. "So what'll be our final activity?" Nico asked, as I strolled into the clearing. "It's a surprise." I replied. "C'mon." he groaned. "You'll figure it out as we go along." I laughed, "Here's a hint." I tossed him a bundle of clothes. He caught them deftly and held them up to examine them. "You bought me a tux?" he said as gave me a quizzical look. "Yep. It's your disguise." I replied. "To what?" he asked. "You'll see." I said. "Why do you have to keep me in suspense," he said "it's so frustrating."

Nico's PoV

  She laughed, a complete and whole laugh, as clear as a Lethe brook. A laugh which showed a side of Reyna I'd never seen before, carefree, released, spirited and relaxed. Without the stress and demands of life and the responsibilities of leading the legion, she was beautiful. She was Reyna, just Reyna.

  As evening approached, we got changed and prepared to go ...wherever Reyna had planned. I exited my tent, adjusting the final button on my vest. "Hey Rey," I called "you ready to le..." My tongue caught on my words. Reyna had emerged from her tent wearing a stunning long-sleeved midnight blue gown under her parka. "You look very nice." I managed. "Thanks," she smiled, "you clean up pretty good yourself." I offered her my arm and Reyna looked down at it with a look of amusement on her face. "Not bad son of Hades." she laughed softly as she loosely interlocked her arm with mine. She led me out of Central Park and into the city. It was nice walking arm in arm with Reyna, strolling past libraries, shops and blocks of apartments, as snow lightly dusted the pavement.

  After about 15 minutes, we arrived in front of a large building surrounded by a chain link fence. A large plaque above the main doors read "Brooklyn Academy of the Gifted." I turned to Reyna with a quizzical look on my face. "You're taking me to a school dance?" "Yeah, now put this on." she stuffed a charcoal black mask into my hands. "You're taking me to a school masquerade dance?" I said with a near incredulous tone. "I know right," Reyna grinned. "I've always wondered what it would be like to be a dumb mortal highschool girl. Tonight we get a taste." she giggled. "I think I like this non-praetor side of you." I decided. Together we stepped over the threshold into a tall entrance hall. 

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