Chapter 2

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Reyna's PoV

  I sat back in my chair, 'Hell yeah' I thought, 'I'm outta here.' A solo journey, with me doing whatever I wanted, no responsibilities, no rules, no restrictions, complete freedom. I opened a cupboard and dragged out my rucksack. Slipping in a few supplies, weapons and changes of clothes, I yanked the cord and buckled the clip. I'd be traveling light. A knock on the door made me look up. I opened the door a crack, "Travis?" I asked, "Got it." said the son of Hermes. He handed me a ziplock bag full of cash, "What do you need this for anyway, Reyna?" he asked. "The deal was 20 denarii for the cash and no questions asked." I replied, tossing him a small leather pouch. "Alright, alright." he said grinning, then he turned flipping his hood over his head and disappeared down the corridor.

  Tossing the cash into my bag, I strapped my gladius to my waist and sat down on the bed again. Memories and feelings raced through my mind, the past 6 years, all my highs and lows in the legion. I waited for half an hour, then when I heard Chiron disappear into his room I stood up. Double checking my things, I slung my bag over my shoulder and flicked off the lights. I walked silently down the hallway and into the main room. Seymour was asleep on the wall, I gave him a soft pat on the head, and slipped out the door.

  The cool night air brushed against my face, a light sprinkle of November snow dusting the ground. I pulled my jacket tighter to block out the cold. Standing in the middle of the camp, I gazed once more around the grounds. It was a beautiful camp and I would be back, but right now I had to take care of myself. I walked up the hill and was just about to step over the camp boundaries, when a voice behind me said "And where do you think you're going?"

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