Chapter 7

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Nico's PoV

  Reyna slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. I rose to stop the other man from leaving, but Reyna beat me to it. As the man stepped toward the open door with a smug smile plastered on his face, Reyna struck like one of Zeus' lightning bolts. Her fist flew in a slashing right hook, catching the man in the jaw, sending him flying back into a bench. "Oops, wasn't talking to you." she said to his unconscious form. "Damn," I said, "Nice punch." Reyna grinned, "Thanks, now let's get out of here." The guard was beginning to stir from her daze. We slammed the cell door and ran. We were sprinting down the stairs in-front of the precinct when we heard an officer yell "Hey, get back here!", but it was too late. We reached our bags and as we leapt into the bush's shadow, Reyna shot the pursuing officers a smirk. Then we dissolved into darkness.

  We reappeared in a small clearing of trees and collapsed next to each other, breathing heavily. "I haven't had that much fun since forever." I gasped. Reyna laughed, "We've barely started Neeks." She caught her breath, "Now, the skating rink." We strolled through Central Park until we arrived at the rink, still brightly lit by spotlights despite it being past 11. The rink itself was relatively empty, only a few other people scattered around the rink. "Ever skate before?" Reyna asked as we sat down to lace up the skates we had acquired from the store. "Back in Italy in the 1940s, and a few times after the giant war. You?" I replied. "In Puerto Rico sometimes, and occasionally when the legion went out for some recreation." We stood up and shuffled to the rink.

  It was brilliant. The two of us slicing through the air, cackling with glee and enjoyment. We stayed there for about half an hour, skating in wide circles round the whole rink, bewildering everyone else by our speed and skill. But hey, when you're a demigod with ADHD, you need to get some energy out of your system, and this was a fantastic way to do it. I watched her as she zipped around. Her clear silky laughter, her gracefulness as she swooped around the ice, how the snowflakes on her eyelids made her look even more beautiful. I shook the thoughts out of my head, she didn't think of me like that. Eventually, we slowed down to catch our breaths. We sat at the edge of the rink and shared a pack of sandwiches that we bought from a nearby vending machine. "That was fun." I admitted. Reyna chuckled, "To be honest, it's already been more eventful than I had planned." "Getting arrested and committing a few felonies was definitely a new experience huh." I grinned. "Brilliant idea for this trip Rey." She chuckled then yawned. "We should set up camp." she said. We looked around for an appropriate spot, and were just about to remove our skates, when a roar split the cold snowy night. 

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