Miyoung smiled, seemingly impressed with Jungkook's answer. Daehyun on the other hand remained expressionless. He just nodded his head.

"Okay, now Jungkook, we heard the demos that you sent to us." As soon as Miyoung began to speak about his songs, Jungkook stiffened up and gulped, nervous. He listened attentively.

She continued, "The songs were really good. The lyrics were meaningful, the melodies and the lyrics blended with each other perfectly. And your voice is something I don't think I'm qualified enough to even comment upon."

Jungkook shyly smiled, almost shaking his head to tell her that she definitely was qualified to judge his voice.

"But, my friend, we want something better than 'really good.'" And that's when Jungkook's heard stopped beating.

Daehyun took over now, "Your songs truly are good. Anyone listening to it will love it. But when it comes to our artists, we need something exceptionally good, something amazing. We're not rejecting you. We're giving you another chance because we have faith in you, and high expectations from you. No one who has interviewed for producer in this company has got the position in his or her first try, not even us. But I can confidently say that you've sent us better songs that any person interviewing for the first time ever has, even better than us."

Miyoung nodded her head, agreeing, "So, this is not even like us giving you a second chance, really. More like requesting you to try again so we can get someone as talented as you onboard with us."

Jungkook nodded his head, a bittersweet feeling in his stomach from both the apparent compliments and rejection he received. But, he still smiled.

"Also Jungkook, you definitely have a more beautiful voice than any other artist of ours. Why don't you become an idol?"

Jungkook shook his head, "No, that's not something I want to pursue, I'm sorry."

"Your voice will get wasted though."

"Only for the world. Not for the people I want to showcase it too." He replied, instantly thinking about Taehyung.

Daehyun appreciatively nodded his head, "You've impressed me. You should definitely come interview again."

"I will be back." Jungkook smiled.

|11:00 a.m.|

Taehyung sat on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hand as he stared at the television. If anyone were to look at him, they would think that the boy had been enchanted by the screen, that's how attentively he looked at whatever it was that he was watching. But in reality, he wasn't paying attention to the screen at all. He was just really deep in thought, thinking about Jungkook and his interview.

He was really scared, not because if Jungkook didn't get the job, they'll be one step behind on their way towards having a healthy financial life, but because he knew Jungkook wouldn't be able to handle a rejection. It wasn't a new character trait of his. He was a perfectionist, and if someone didn't appreciate his efforts, he would blame himself for not doing his very best. But, in this circumstance, the outcome of a possible rejection would be way more devastating.

Jungkook had already been blaming himself for the situation they were in, because he was the one who decided on giving all of Mr. Jeon's money back to him. And though the entire world could agree that he made the right choice, he would still be a little doubtful about it, because he believed Taehyung was 'suffering' because of him. Now, if he got rejected by the company, he would blame himself further and Taehyung couldn't bare to see that.

Their mental health hadn't been the best. They were struggling to keep up. Their bodies and brains by the end of the day got so exhausted, it was a mammoth task to be able to get up the next morning. This rejection would only bring Jungkook's self-confidence and morale down.

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