<~An Official Name~>

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<Third Person P.O.V>

Luffy was gunning it to the stand where the two sat. Clear images of Angst, Ace, Sengoku, and Garp were displayed. There was a thick pole that Luffy was able to climb up so that's what he took. As he was running The Hero of the navy took it upon him to take his own grandson down.

"Gramps out of the way!"

"I won't let you get to these pirate scums." Luffy's eyes grew but returned to normal size after realizing what needed to be done.

Letting his right arm fly backwards it came back and hit The Hero dead center of the face. The boy continued to go past his grandfather and to the two chained pirates.

"Luffy?!" His brother said out of shock.

"Ace! Ang! I'm here to get you out I even have the key!" The two chained ones could only look at each other with questionable looks while Luffy unlocked the cuffs. He was able to free ones of them when a yellow aura formed next to the three.

"He's huge!" Luffy shouted struggling to unlock the other cuffs. A golden fist from the Buddha was in the vision of the three.

"Fire Wall!" A wall of black flame ablazed blocking the fist from hitting them. Luffy was then able to unlock the last cuff.

The wall was extinguished when the fist came down for a second time unsuccessfully taking down the three, instead breaking the execution stand. A Whitebeard emblem formed out of regular fire and black fire as pirates cheered. A smile formed on the captains face as he watched his daughter and son become free once again.

The three pirates landed in a group only to be surrounded immediately by marines. The brothers looked at each other and smirked. The older one grabbing the dragon's hand and pulled her close and whispered what they were going to do. A small smile formed and a nod in response. Large black and gold wings formed and took off.

"I'm hoping you dumbasses won't do anything to stupid." The girl muttered as she flew off into battle.

<Angst's P.O.V>

"I'm hoping you dumbasses won't do anything to stupid." I muttered under my breath as I took off.

Shots were firing left and right which payed no matter to me as I flew by each bullet.

I wonder how Marco is doing last I saw him he was thrown to the ground..

The flaps of my wings died down as I came closer to ground.

Landing is never fun when it's this chaotic...

The moment I landed Bullets were fired. Drawing my sword deflecting the bullets as they came my way. Cutting and kicking gets tiring fast. A glimpse of yellow caught my eye and I looked in that direction seeing my brother.

Found him.

I charged Marco's way through the marines. While taking them down I found a key to a pair of Sea Prism Stone cuffs so I took it with me. I saw Jozu and Vista covering for Marco. As I came through a sword was placed to my neck.

"Hey stranger."

"Oh Angst my apologies." Vista apologized bringing down the sword.

"Your fine, what's up with Marco?"

"Sea prism stone got to him."

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