<~The News~>

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<Third Person P.O.V>

A few days have passed since the attack happened. Everything was normal, Angst was healing but kept telling Thatch to eat the fruit but he keeps denying on eating the fruit. She doesn't understand why Thatch doesn't want to eat the fruit.

"Why do you keep denying the fruit eh Thatch?"

"I just don't know if I should eat it, I still want to swim but I want to be stronger."

Angst deadpanned.

"You thought about the same things this entire time?"


Whitebeard and the other commanders just watched the two commanders bicker on about the devil fruit rather amused.

"Angst just leave the man be, let him decide on it a little more." Marco said trying to convince her to leave him be.

"He has been thinking about the same damn thoughts for the past three days and you think Ill just leave him alone?" They all nodded and whitebeard laughed.

"Tch fine, just for now."

A News Coo came by, Izo took a newspaper and payed the bird and it flew off. He began to read it when something caught his eye. Raising an eyebrow he continued to read it. After finishing the last sentence his eyes widened.

"Izo what does it say?" Haruta asked trying to look over his shoulder.

"Fire Fist Ace gone against new pirate "Blackbeard" and lost." Izo read out loud. Everyone's eyes widened knowing who Blackbeard is.

"Damnit Ace, I wanna guess Teach told him what he did to us and it pissed him off. Now what are we gonna do pops?" Angst said looking at Whitebeard.

"We're going to war."

<Marco's P.O.V>

"We're going to war."

Everyone was silent after that, we didn't know what to say or do it was like we were all statues.

"Do we call the allied pirate crews and if so how many?" Vista broke the silence and questioned.

"All of them. If we're going against the Marines we know they would go all out on us. We're gonna need all the help we can get if we're gonna get Ace back." Angst answered for pops and Vista nodded.

"Exactly what Angst said, call all the allied crew captains and tell them to meet up. They do have my vivre card." Pops said.

The commanders all left except Angst and I. Pops was still with us so we just sat in silence waiting for someone to speak. Though nothing was said, Angst always has something to say about everything but this time she was quiet. I couldn't think of anything to say. What if this plan pops makes won't work out and we end up loosing Ace and maybe more? What if we mess up and loose pops? What if it all fails and the Marines win? Angst was sitting across from me and looked at me. I guess she knew what I was thinking about.

"Marco, are you okay?" That made me look up at the speaker and of course it was Angst.

"Oh, uh yeah just thinking about something." She just blinked in response.

"If you need to say something spit it out now while it's just the three of us in the room."

I sighed. I don't know if I should talk about what i'm thinking about. Doesn't Angst already know what i'm feeling? Or pops?

"Your thinking about if something goes wrong aren't you Marco?" Pops said. I just nodded.

"What if something goes wrong and we loose Ace and maybe more people? Or one of you for that matter?" Pops and Angst were quiet.

"This plan won't fail Marco. When did we ever fail a plan?" Angst asked.

"I get what your saying but this is something higher than what we have done."

"Then we'll just have to make this the best plan there is." Angst said smirking which boosted my confidence a little bit.

<Angst P.O.V>

"Then we'll just have to make this the best plan there is." I said smirking. I saw that boosted Marco's confidence a little bit. His words were making me paranoid but I tried my best not to show it. Damn what if something does go wrong? What if we do loose someone or more plus Ace? What if we loose Pops or Marco? I knew I had to get those thoughts out of my head. I got up without a word and left the two in the room still.

I walked to the kitchen to grab another apple knowing Thatch is going to lecture me about it. I'm trying hard to get my mind off what Marco said but those were valid points. I stepped into the kitchen and saw nobody there, I was relieved since I'm not much in the mood to talk even after the conversation everyone had. Plus i'm sure everyone's busy calling the allied captains. I leave the kitchen and go to my normal spot which was along the rail. The railing was smooth and thick enough for someone to sit on it with an accompaniment of a nice curve. I sat down and started to think about a plan even if pops already had on in mind.

If we're going to have all the allied pirates come would we want them to go into Marineford at once? No... I thought for a bit until I came up with the perfect plan in my head.

Wait... What if we have half of the allied pirates go in first then the other half of the allied pirates come in from behind and sneak attack? We should have the Moby Dick and three other Moby Dicks coated and we can come in from under the water. I don't think the Marines have seen the 0 division in action right? They won't even think about my division if they're busy with the other pirates. I can have my division come in from behind as well with the other allied pirates. Oh yeah this could work, I'll chill for a bit then tell pops and the others about the plan when it comes time to.

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