<~The Struggle~>

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<Marco's P.O.V>

I watched the battle from the head of the Moby next to pops. Looking up to the execution stand Angst and Ace look distraught.

"Pops did you call Jinbei?"

"I did, his group should be coming out any minute now.. I don't know where they would come out though..." I looked around to see if they came out. I noticed more people came out around a corner and I focused in on who they were.

"There in the corner over there, that's Jinbei's group." I pointed to the group coming out and Pops nodded.

Seeing the two up there makes my blood boil more than before. Normally in the past if Angst was hurt, which was rare, I would kick the person's ass and check up on her. After she was stabbed by Teech and I didn't wake up to help her and Thatch hurts. It isn't much of a deal but as a brother and sibling seeing family hurt and know you could've done something about it hits differently and i'm sure people can relate to that.

"I know how your feeling Marco... But calm down you can get them later." Pops said putting his hand on my shoulder. I only nodded. There's only so much you can do from the sidelines as of now.

<Ace's P.O.V>

This is hell. Being forced to sit and watch family fight for you. Putting their lives on the line for useless things. They need Angst more than me I don't see why everyone's fighting for both of us. Fighting for the son of a monster... I told pops about who my father is and he just laughed. I don't know why he still let me on his ship though i'm the son of his rival.

I'm just happy Luffy isn't here. It would be much worse if he was here.

"ACEEEE!!" My eyes widened hearing that voice knowing damn well who it is. The exaggerated E, just like when we were younger.






Why are you here Luffy?! Jinbei is here too, and Luffy's crew?!

"LUFFYY!!" I yelled. He knows i'm not happy with him being here but like that will stop him. I looked at Angst if she knew about it only to see a smirk from her.

"Did you know about them?"

"Of course I did.. They were in my group for a sneak attack. Your brother is a very determined boy."

"When did you meet him?"

"When we were getting ready to come here. He was smart to come to us instead of going straight here or Impel Down, one of his crew members probably told him to come to us though."

I looked back to the fight in front of us and kept thinking different thoughts.

Why? They're trying to save a mistake what's the point of it?

"Stop thinking what I think your thinking. You know pops won't approve of your thoughts. You aren't a mistake, people only think of you as a monster because they're afraid."

"People only think of you as a monster because they're afraid." What is that supposed to mean?

I looked at her and she continued watching the fight.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I was just stared at.

<Angst's P.O.V>

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I looked at Ace.

"People who say things that everyone else say are only saying it because they are scared about how the people would react to if they said their true opinion. For example everybody says your a monster. There's people out there that only say that because they are scared about what people think if they spoke their true opinion. They want to speak truly Ace they really do, they just don't want to be disliked by the public." I explained and Ace was surprised about what I said. He didn't say anything but he understood my words. I looked down at the fight and watched Strawhat and his crew fight.

Not bad for a lack of crew mates. I wonder if pops will ask Strawhat and his crew to join.

I looked towards pops and Marco and they were just scoping the fight. I saw a light going right for pops and my eyes widened. Right before it hit pops a blue figure took the hits and I worried a bit less.

Jeez Marco don't scare me like that...

"That hurt." I heard Marco said sharply.

"Don't lie." Kizaru said showing himself.

Marco kicked him down and landed in the now frozen battlefield and fought with everyone. I saw that pops joined in as well. Seeing the old man in action raised my anxiety a bit, yeah pops is an emperor and all but he's still old.

Luffy and Ace were yelling at each other from across the battlefield while I deadpanned.

Who the hell would scream at each other during a time like this? Let alone as siblings not even Marco and I would do that..



That kids determination is higher than before.. I like it.




I looked at Ace and he's crying.

He's crying?! Guess I can say i've seen Ace cry now... That is if we all survive this.

The fighting stopped.. It got quiet. They stopped out of shock, I guess they think that Luffy is Ace's biological brother. Which he isn't but they think he is. Marco took this opening as an opportunity to come up and get us out.

Marco flew up towards us is his full phoenix form unbothered, he got really close when a large figure hit him straight to the ground.

My eyes widened.

Shit Marco!

<Ace P.O.V>

Marco was in his full phoenix form flying to us with an unbothered facial expression when a big figure hit him to the ground leaving Angst in shock. I looked at her and she started moving.

She's trying to break free? She knows whatever she does won't work without the key right?

I've never seen her struggle as much as she is now. It's not a characteristic that i've seen from her. It's like she broke character. Angst is arguably one of the most laidback members other than Marco so seeing her like this isn't normal.

A struggling Angst? Never seen that before..


Henlo! I'm really sorry about posting this hella late! I haven't been feeling the best the past few weeks ever since my last post. I've also been having writers block so I had no ideas how to finish the chapter.. But now i'm in the right state of mind, feeling better and finally finished the chapter! Changing topic I hope you've been enjoying reading the story and as always have a good day/night! :]

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