And I am not the only one who notices it. "Lyra, were your pants already that black before you did the bonfire?" Brandon never has a filter on but he is just the light in every single person's life here. He has been the best friend to Felix whenever he is feeling down and miserable. Brandon is a good guy and I hope that one day he is going to find someone who sees that and not the ice hockey player that breaks girls' hearts. "Brandon, I love you but shut up."

"Make me, sweetheart." And Lyra is blushing because of that comment. She never blushes when the other guys give that kind of comment to her. She always brushes those off and sometimes even fake gags at us. But she is now trying to hide her blush behind a comeback. "You wouldn't be able to handle me, sweetheart." She emphasizes the sweetheart part to make sure to let him know that she isn't affected.

But she is and he knows it. "Only one way to find out." Brandon knows that he is hot and that most of the girls want to spend a night with him. But he doesn't use that to his advantage when it comes to getting girls. He rather dances with them to show how good his hips work on the rhythm. He rarely brings any with them and when he does, it becomes more than just one night.

"Can we get some marshmallows? I want to make smores." Luke has always been good at changing the topic. He was the buffer whenever Josh gave me a hard time. He made sure to always change the topic to something else than me. And I have thanked him for that more than I can count. "They are on top of the fridge. You should get them."

"I am not even the tallest." Luke is pouting like a little child while making his way over to the fridge, very slow. Alina is rolling her eyes at him but she is also trying to hide the smile forming on her lips. She loves him, a lot. "But you have the best back muscles."

All the mouths are wide open from the guys while we, the girls, all nod our heads. It is true that Luke has the best back muscles. I have seen the guy more without a shirt than with one on that I know he looks good underneath it. I never denied it when I became friends with him but Josh never liked that. He always got mad at me whenever I said that Luke looked good.

Felix on the other hand says that I am right. He was even a bit shocked when he saw Luke's bare chest earlier at the beach. Luke tries to hide it with oversized shirts to make sure that people talk to him because of how he is and not how he looks. "Babe, you are so getting treated tonight. This really is too good for my ego."

"We are not going to have any sleep tonight." Carson's hands are wrapped around Amelia's waist pulling her closer to him. He starts to whisper something in her ear, making her face turn red. I am quite sure that they are not going to sleep tonight either. "I am so fucking lonely. Why the hell, am I the only one without action tonight?"

Lyra has changed into some new pants while Brandon is laughing at her. I know that he wants to say something but he stays quiet. Or that is what I thought. "You could come to my room tonight. We can have a movie marathon together." Lyra's smile is wide when she sees that he isn't joking about it. That is the one thing that Felix told me to never joke about when I am around Brandon. He takes movie nights very seriously.

"Can we watch Magic Mike?" Lyra has an obsession when it comes to those movies. I have seen her watch them more than I can count on my two hands. She constantly watches them so I am quite sure those are her comfort movies. "We can watch all the movies that you want as long as you are ready for a long night. I am not going to let you fall asleep."

"That sounds like a solid plan." She hops on his back and makes sure to hold him tight while he brings her to the bonfire outside. Felix is chuckling at them and it makes my insides turn into fire. I am always the happiest whenever he is smiling too. He makes me feel so happy and for the first time in a long time, I am sure that I have everything in my life that I want and need.

I have a guy that loves me for who I am. I have new friends that love my own friends like they know each other for so long. Jolyn and Joey are already in bed wanting to catch up on some sleep because it has been a long drive to here. I am quite sure that they just needed a few moments alone. "I don't think that I am ready to have them be such good friends."

Felix is now beside me, I can tell by how his cologne is filling my nose. I might have mentioned that I liked this one particular cologne he has, and he has been wearing it constantly. Every single thing that I mention to him, he starts to do or wear.

"You brought extra condoms? We might have used the ones that I had with me in the cabinet earlier." He leaves a little kiss behind my ear. I want to forget about the bonfire and bring him to our room. All my logical senses are gone once Felix is around me. "I might have done that. I knew that we wouldn't be able to keep ourselves to only yours."

"You know us too well." He brings his lips to my shoulders and starts to kiss them. "I am the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." His fingertips already found their way at my exposed skin. It is electrifying and gives me butterflies. "I love you, Sloan."

"I love you too, Felix." He turns me around, not giving me any chance to look into his beautiful ocean-blue eyes. The ones that I drown in so many times whenever he is talking to me. "I am glad that I decided to give you a chance when it came to showing me how to be looser." He kisses his way up to my jaw while I hear the laughter of everybody else outside.

"I am also glad that you gave me a chance. I will make it worth it." He pecks my lips and a smile is creeping on my face. "I am also glad that you did your promise as you told me. I did really get a good fuck out of this." I slap his shoulder, or I am trying to do so because he catches it with his hand and twirls me around. "You are such an idiot sometimes."

"But I am your idiot." And I wouldn't change it at all.

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