Peter Parker is SpiderMan

Start from the beginning

Flash nodded and took another deep breath to calm his nerves. "Look, Peter, I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you. It was terrible of me and I sinsercly apologize. It was shameful of me and I'm extremely sorry." Flash started off with

"I'm really sorry for all the pain I've caused you. You're an really great person and I'm sorry for the hurt I've created. I hope you accept my apology and hopefully one day, we can become friends," Flash finished, with a small smile on his face. Flash ran a hand through his hair - a nervous tick his mom and passed down to him - before putting his hand out for Peter to shake.

Peter looked surprised for a second and then smiled, he was about to shake Flash's hand when MJ swatted Peter's hand away. "Woah, hold on a second, loser. How do we know this isn't a trick?" she asked

"Why would I trick you?" Flash asked as Peter said at the same time, "Why would he want to trick us?"

"I dunno. It's Flash!" MJ protested as Ned just stood there in shock with his mouth wide open.

And with those few words, it was like someone had stabbed a dagger into Flash's chest. Hurt shot across Flash's face before Flash went back to politely neutral as Flash retracted his hand. Peter seemed to notice the quick look of hurt and scolded MJ.

"MJ! It's okay," Peter softly yet firmly set as Flash set a surprised but grateful look to Peter.

Peter now put his hand out, "Friends someday?" he asked

Flash shook Peter's hand, "Friends someday," he confirmed.

Flash smiled and then walked away leaving the three teenagers alone again. "What the hel just happened?" Ned asked

"Something happened to Flash and he's now being nice," MJ explained

"Did anything happen to him on SM duty?" Ned asked Peter

"No, I mean, he did almost get mugged abotu two and half months ago but that's about it," Peter replied

Ned let out a sound of understanding before MJ spoke up, "So what is he trying to do?" MJ wondered

"I don't think he's trying to do anything. I think he just is genuinely trying to change," Peter said as they all walked to their first class.

"Just be careful Peter, just be careful," MJ said, leaning her head on Peter's shoulder. 

"I will," 

[][][][][][][We stan Nice!Flash][][][][][][]

A couple months later it was Christmas time (Decembre the 11) and Flash's ten year old little sister, Tina, was coming home for Christmas Break from her prep school two hours away. 

Now, normally Flash would be okay with her coming home, I mean, little sisters could be annoying with their constant bothering, little sister-ness and don't even get Flash started on her constant need for snuggles. Flash loved Tina but she could be so annoying

But in effort to change himself for the better, Flash was actually really excited to see her. I mean, little sisters were cool too, with their feeble attempt at bothering you and their weirdness and themselves, so yes, Flash was excited. 

He cleaned her room for her and even bought her a new rainbow hairbrush that had Rainbow Dash and Twiligh Sparkle sticker (her two favourite characters) and a toy pair of nun-chucks like Mikey from TMNT. 

Flash changed into his regular jeans but put on a bright teal sweatshirt (Tina's favourite colour) and walked downstairs, smiling from ear to ear to see his mom making coffee and his dad, put on his winter coat while looking for his keys. 

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