chapter 34

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Athena's POV:

Trigger warning//abuse

I sat in billies room and watched as she played Call Of Duty very aggressively.

"No- dude what the fuck MOVE" she yelled into her headset. I pressed my lips together to suppress a laugh as I saw the player stand still, but failed.

"What are you laughing at?" Billie asked keeping her eyes on the TV. "Just someone's Snapchat story" I lied as I watched her move the joystick harshly.

Billie has been lowkey very angry lately. Im not sure why, but shes been taking the anger out on her family and me. I've tried asking if shes okay multiple times, but she always says shes 'fine'.

"Fuck this shit!" She said and chucked the controller down. I watched her plant her face in her hands and sniffle. Is she crying over a video game?

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked softly as I rubbed her back. "Yes athena, im fine!" She lashed out.

"Im just worried about you billie, you've been so angry lately and i-"

"Oh my god! Can you not take 'im fine' as your answer!?" She asked loudly and faced me. "Well no billie, I care about you and 'I'm fine' never means you're fine!"

"I am fine, for fucks sake! Could you ever just give me some fucking space and stop irritating me!?" She yelled.

I flinched at how loud she was and moved my hand from her back. "Billie I just care about you, why do you hate that so much!" I said as tears welled my eyes.

"Stop fucking crying, you're so sensitive" she groaned into her hands.

"Stop being such a bitch and maybe I won't cry over these things!" I wiped my eyes as I choked up on my tears.

Billie looked so angry. I've never seen her this way before.

The yelling continued. I forgot what we were even arguing about because she was just being so mean. Suddenly, I felt a pit in my stomach and felt nauseous.

I watched billie raise her hand to hit me. I covered myself quickly and cried harder. After a couple seconds I looked up and saw billie looking down at me, with an apologetic look on her face.

I stood up and grabbed my things before heading out of her bedroom as fast as I could. "Wait, athena!"

I hurried down the stairs and shouted a "bye!" to her family before hopping in my car. I saw billie open the front door and walk towards me. I put my seatbelt on and turned my car on.

Billie knocked on my window repeatedly with a sad look on her face. I shook my head no and reversed out of her driveway as I sobbed.

Was she actually gonna hit me?


I heard a couple faint knocks on my bedroom door as I was doing an assignment. "Come in!" I called out hoping it was my mom.

Kevin walked in and I smiled softly. "Hi kev" I greeted. "Hey kiddo, I saw you crying as you got in and I wanted to give you some space" he said as she sat on my bed beside me, "are you okay?" he asked.

I looked down as I felt tears fill my eyes again. "No" I whimpered. Kevin scooted towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Im sorry honey" he rubbed my back. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. "No" I leaned into his chest. His face saddened as he wiped my eyes with his shirt.

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