Chapter 1: Moving Away

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A/N: This is my first story!!

~Haley's POV~

Chapter 1: Moving Away

I had just gotten a text from my boyfriend, Alex, telling me to meet him at the music store. Great (Note heavy sarcasm). Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but by the good Lord above is he clingy. I texted my mom, telling her I'd be out for a while longer. I got in my yellow Mustang and sped off towards the music store. I cranked the radio as loud as it could go as well as the bass. What? I like music. The music blasted out my favorite song, "Crazy 4 U". I had no clue who it was by. It ended right before I pulled into the music store's parking lot. Here goes nothing...

My boyfriend opened my door for me. I climbed out and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He took my hand and led me to the entrance. We found a rack of some CDs and starting going through them.

"What's with the silent treatment, babe?" he asked.

"There is none. I just thought awkward silence might be fun for a few minutes." I smiled up at him. It was obviously obvious that it was fake.

"We both know you hate awkward silence. Now, what's really going on?" he raised an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"Well... remember when I told you about that guy that offered me to be a Hollister model with Samantha?" I asked. It must have clicked because he looked like he knew what I was getting at.

"You're moving?" he looked hurt, sad, angry, and in love all at the same time.

"Yeah and I think that it's best to see other people while I'm in California. I won't be back for six months." I stated it like it was no big deal when really, it was. I saw a tear slip down his face. I wiped it away and gave him one last kiss. "Goodbye, Alex."

I left the store and hopped in my Mustang. I blasted the radio and bass as loud as it would go and sped to my house. It started raining. Rain only made my day worse. A few tears escaped my eyes while me and Alex's song came on, "Little Things" by One Direction. I wrote him a song somewhat like this two years ago. I sang it to him all the time. Another few tears rolled slowly down my face and I wiped them away.

I pulled into the driveway of my house and ran inside. I made a beeline upstairs to my room to pack. I decided that Alex would be happy for me and would get over me eventually. I hope...

I stuffed four suitecases full of clothes, toiletries, makeup, etc. Then I loaded up my dogs' things. I have two dogs, Noose and Zeke. I packed a few CDs and my 3 notebooks which were full of songs, thoughts and drawings. I cleaned my face off and went to lay in my bed. For a while I stared up at the ceiling, wishing that I had Alex beside me, cuddling against my back. But, it was too late for that. I silently cried myself to sleep. My dreams were filled with an unfamiliar face that I didn't recongnize. A blond teenage boy with big, hazel eyes. Weird...

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