Chapter 41: Departing from the Evans Household

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"Are they here yet Marls?" I shouted from my bathroom.

"No, I don't think so!" Marlene yelled back from my room.

I sighed and continued getting ready for the busy day ahead of us, as it was quite full.

James and Sirius would be coming over to apparate us back to their house, and that was already a lot, as our parents even wanted to meet and talk and do all of that weird school parent meeting thing, but James and I both managed to convince them to meet a different time, as it was way too awkward at this phase.

I initially didn't even want the boys to come and apparate us, but I had no idea where we needed to arrive, so, as annoying as they may be, the boys would definitely be helpful in this situation.

"LILY!" I heard mum shout from downstairs.

"Lidia's here, could you get the door?" Mum asked me, which made me freeze as I adjusted my sweater in the mirror.

Lidia? The extravagant neighbor who would always bring mum treats and sit with her for tea? Wha-

"Lily!" Mum shouted again.

"Lily!" Marlene suddenly appeared behind me.

"Your mum is-" She started, but I interrupted her.

"Yes, I'm quite aware of that, thank you Marls," I quickly stated, rushing past her and down the stairs to our front door.

"Got it, mum!" I added before I opened the front door.

Unfortunately, I didn't look out of the window when I opened the door, or Elle I would've been spared the shock of who Mrs. Lidia Smith brought along with her.

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Smi- James?!" I froze in shock, recognizing the familiar face behind our neighbor.

"Wha-" I started, as Lidia put on her neighborly smile, as she usually would when visiting us.

"I'm also here!" Another voice piped up, which belonged to Sirius, whom I had not seen until now.

"Hello my darling Lily, I think your friends may have wandered a bit to the left when looking for your residence, am I correct?" Lidia asked me with a cheeky smile.

"Um- yes, yeah, hey- I mean- Hi-" I stuttered, standing in the middle of the doorway like a dummy.

"Sorry- you all kind of took me by surprise, come in," I said calmly, moving to invite everyone inside.

"Oh, thank you dear, but I really must be going," Lidia started.

"I just stopped by to drop off these boys, but tell your mother, Maura, I stopped by, and give her my best!" Lidia exclaimed, backing away from the front door.

"Great meeting you boys!" Lidia said, tapping Sirius on the head and smiling at James.

"Great meeting you too Mrs. Lidia!" Sirius said in the most smirky annoying tone that only his friends could point out.

"Get. In. Side." I snapped through a forced smile to Mrs. Smith, pushing both of the boys inside.

As soon as Sirius' right foot was inside I slammed the door and turned to face them.

"You two went to the wrong house?!" I exclaimed, finally taking in their appearance.

They were both wearing similar thicker black jumpers, Sirius pairing his with dark black pants and James pairing his with lighter pants, but they both had the same guilty look on their faces as Sirius started scratching his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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