Chapter 31: The Secret of the Marauders

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DEFENCELESS- Louis Tomlinson


McGonagall soon led us up to Dumbledore's office seeing as the matter wasn't in her hands, except for fixing the prefect situation. 

"Cockroach clusters," McGonagall let out to the gargoyle that I assumed led to Dumbledore's office.

McGonagall also let James come along for whatever reason, but I didn't question it. I didn't have the energy anymore, and maybe James would help in some way. After McGonagall said the password, the gargoyle turned towards the left, revealing a spiral set of stairs behind it. She beckoned for me to go in first and then James. I was still wondering how in the name of Merlin she let him come with us, but I wasn't against the idea.

"Ms. Evans, Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore started as we appeared and observed his office.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall," Dumbledore said as McGonagall appeared behind us and approached the headmaster.

"Headmaster, I believe one of your students, has been- attacked," McGonagall started, not knowing how to put it, but also looking extremely worried.

"Attacked?" Dumbledore repeated.

"That would be a different case. She was tortured." James stated in a low voice.

Dumbledore immediately looked towards him and McGonagall sighed in exasperation.

"And how did you manage to get involved Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked as he paced around his desk inching towards us.

"I was the one who found her," James replied as calmly as possible.

"I see," Dumbledore started.

James was about to say something, but Dumbledore spoke before he could.

"Would you mind if I could make sure of this information?" He asked James.

"How-" James started, but Dumbledore already responded.

"Legilimens would do the trick,"  Dumbledore said as he watched James.

James simply nodded and Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed it at James. In a second, James was on his knees, not in pain, but he now probably couldn't see me or anyone in the room. Just his memories. I winced at the sight of him but stayed in my spot as Dumbledore made a curious expression. His eyes widened slightly and I knew he had seen me on the floor in the compartment with the Slytherins. 

He immediately pulled away from James's memories and stared at us as James got up and I moved slightly closer to him by instinct. James straightened up and McGonagall looked from Dumbledore to us, as he returned next to his desk and looked up. 

"Very well, I will have a chat with Mr. Mulciber along with his friends, but until then I suggest you both return to your dormitories for a goodnight's sleep," Dumbledore said, a twinkle not present in his eyes.

"Madam Pomfrey will see you tomorrow if needed, Ms. Evans," He continued, watching me.

I nodded and James looked suspicious until I gave him a look and he started to turn around to leave.

"Oh, and don't get lost on your way to bed." Dumbledore finished as I stopped in my tracks.

Don't get lost?  What was that supposed to mean? Especially coming from Dumbledore?! Don't get lost. Lost where? In the castle? Did he think we were going to run off somewhere? 

I walked out of his office still in thought and as soon as we were out of it, James grabbed my hand and let me upwards towards the right.

"What are you-" I started, but he hushed me.

Jily: SoulmatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora