Chapter 21: Happy Birthday Sirius!

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"Sirius!"  I yelled entering the common room.

"Marlene wants to talk to you, she didn't say why, but it sounded Sirius," I said, approaching Padfoot who was sitting on a chair across from Mary and Peter.

I smirked at the wonderful excuse that Lily made up, but Padfoot was too lost in thought.

"What? Why? Did she sound- worried? Happy? Concerned? Nervous?" He bombarded me with questions.

"I don't know Sirius," I said, backing up as he was inching closer to me.

"but she said to meet her down by the great lake before dinner!" I exclaimed, almost out of the common room. 

"The Great Lake?" Sirius exclaimed,

"Yes, Sirius didn't you hear him-" Mary started, putting our plan into effect. 

I didn't hear the rest, because I ran off to the kitchens, where I knew the rest of the girls would be. I arrived at the painting of the fruit bowl and quickly tickled the pear. I entered the kitchens to find no trace of girls whatsoever. Huh. I exited the kitchens and wandered around, on my way to the seventh floor. Suddenly I remembered the map.

 I pulled it out and immediately found Marlene and Dorcas about to disappear inside of the room of requirement, but Lily wasn't with them, well, as a matter of fact, she wasn't anywhere near them. Why? I frantically searched the map for Lily and sighed when I saw her a few hallways away from me.

 She was walking in the direction of the room of requirement, where I should be walking too, so as I started to make my way towards her, I froze, seeing a figure that I knew all too well, two halls closer to her than I was. Peeves the poltergeist. No! Run Lily! She obviously couldn't hear me, so I started running in both of their directions.

Within about 30 seconds to a minute, I heard a shriek, that I knew all too well. I also heard two loud clatters. I picked up my pace and rounded the corner to find two food platters on the floor in front of Lily, who was staring at Peeves and wincing.

"Peeves!" I exclaimed, not too loudly.

"Get out!" I exclaimed, eyeing the poltergeist.

"And let you deal with the red-headed hot mess? Gladly." He sneered and floating through one of the walls.

"You okay?" I asked, carefully approaching Lily.

As I got closer to her, she slightly nodded but stared at me in shock. I got closer to her, and suddenly, she simply walked into my arms. She wasn't crying, she was just recovering in my arms. This was a sign that she was starting to handle noise better. 

I held her tightly and she soon eased back into herself. We both let out small sighs of relief, and both grabbed a tray and walked to the room of requirement in total comfortable silence. 

"Get lost much?" I heard a voice say as we were about to get to the room of requirement. 

Lily's hand flew to my wrist and we both sighed when we saw Marlene peeking around the corner. She smirked and showed herself, with Dorcas following close behind. 

"I tried to stop her, but she ran off," Dorcas said, obviously exasperated.

"It's fine," Lily said, slowly and hesitantly letting go of my wrist.

"What are you two doing?" I asked them both.

"Well, we took our four trays to Remus and then came looking for you two, which we obviously found," Marlene said, smirking.

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