Chapter 39: Girl Talk

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RITA SKEETER- Patrick Doyle

Friday, April 8, 1977


"It's not like I WANTED to say yes! We're just friends and I'll be bored after the holidays ANYWAY!" I yelled, not liking my voice like this around girls.

Marlene had just found out that Gwenog Jones had asked me to the Easter Party that was after Easter, and she was now scolding me.

"DO YOUR SCHOOLWORK! Exams are coming up and you CANNOT go running around with the enemy!" She exclaimed as Sirus, Mary and Peter watched.

"The enemy?!" I asked, in confusion.

"She's a HUFFLEPUFF BEATER for the LOVE OF MERLIN!" She yelled.

"OKAY- okay calm down Marls! Merlin- I don't understand why-" I started, but was interrupted again.

"You're a foolish, foolish, boy," She growled, slamming her books together and rushing past me, leaving me bewildered.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed in confusion as I collapsed on a couch.

"I think she's mad that you-" Wormtail started, but I interrupted him.

"I know what she's mad about," I snapped.

"I just don't understand WHY she's so mad," I said in thought.

"You boys are pretty slow," Mary sighed, getting up and collecting her things.

"Excuse me?" I asked, still bewildered.

"Nevermind," She laughed, starting to leave.

"Hey- wait! I forgot to ask the girls too," I started, getting up and brushing off my confusion.

"Mum and Dad have invited all of you to ours over the Holidays so tell Marlene for me because I don't think I will physically be able to ask her," I said as she smirked.

"Yeah I'll tell them all hey, here's a tip," She started.

"You want them at yours over break, so don't forget to be persistent please," She said in a desperate tone before she left with a smirk.

I turned around in total confusion to find Sirius on the floor laughing his arse off.

"Have you been laughing this entire time?!" I exclaimed.

When I got no answer from him besides laughs, Peter gave me a nod and I just sighed and rolled my eyes.



"He wants us to WHAT?" Marlene yelled, who was already angry enough for both me and her.

"His parents invited us and he forgot to tell us until now," Mary said as she got into her bed.

"Well, why didn't he tell me when I was-" Marlene started but was interrupted.

"Marls you were screaming at him the entire time-poor boy he looked like a lost dog when I left," Mary sighed.

"I think spending time with us has side-effects," Dorcas said, which made me and Mary laugh.

"I can't believe he would have the nerve to-" Marlene started, but this time I interrupted her.

"Sirus'll be there," I informed her, and at this, she froze and stared into space as the rest of us smirked.

"I'm going to bed," She muttered as her face started to get light pink and Dorcas started laughing.

"You think you'll go?" Mary asked me, sitting upright under her blankets.

"Eh, only if one of you girls comes. OH! And only if he insists and actually asks me," I scoffed.

"So you say you're not mad he invited Jones to the Easter thing?" Dorcas asked.

"No, I don't think so. Besides, he said they're only friends," I said quietly.

"And we're not together or anything. And Gwenog seems nice- I wouldn't want to go with the Adrian kid either," I sighed.

"His third-year Quidditch fiasco was horrible and I didn't watch Quidditch then- that's how much the school spread it. It almost made the papers you know," I informed the entire room.

"You're kind of besides the point- but yes, he does seem pretty weird," Mary thought out loud.

"Yeah, and she asked him, he didn't do anything much, so why should I be mad?" I said to the girls even though I was dying inside.

"Don't believe her lies," Marlene said in a muffed tone from under her blankets.

"You totally fancy James," Dorcas squeaked excitedly.

"You can believe her truth though," Marlene interrupted.

"NO! I never said that," I said as calmly as possible.

"You don't have to," Mary yawned, starting to get ready for bed.

"Girlllsss!" I whined as I collapsed on my bed and pulled my pillow on top of my head.


Do I fancy him? 

I've asked myself this question too many times and I'm sick of it. 

I might fancy him a little, but I don't want to fancy him, so how do I know if I do?

This is so stupid. 

We'll just have to see. 

Maybe one of the girls and I will go to his for the last few days of the holidays. 

That's a great idea. Then, I can finally figure out anything I need to figure out.


"So even if you won't admit to yourself, we already know," Dorcas finished.

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