Chapter 10: Want to get out of here?

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ANYONE- Justin Bieber 


We entered the Great Hall as casually as possible and sat down in our usual seats. I saw Snape glance at me as we walked in, but I avoided his eyes. He was the one who stunned me so there was nothing to say. Why he followed us, and why we wanted to stun James, was beyond me. Did he get mad because of our Patronuses? It's not like James- I have to stop using that- Potter forced my patronus to take up a certain form. He didn't choose his, and I didn't choose mine. They chose each other. I didn't want any more trouble with Snape. I just wanted to be left alone. Words were said, and things were done. It was over, but he didn't accept it. Well, I did, and I needed to find out what was with our patronuses. I would check out the book tonight and read the soulmate chapter. I briefly read through it when we were writing the essay, but I didn't think it was important until it happened to me. And with Potter. 

I have to say, he's gotten more mature, and he doesn't disgust me anymore, especially after holding me all those times when I cried, and just generally caring for me. Uhhh. Darn you Potter. I never saw his warm and kind side before. I only saw his jokingly rude side, which didn't give me a good first impression. I couldn't think about Potter anymore. All I think about is Potter this, Potter that. Well, to be fair, he carried me down halls to get me to the hospital wing after Snape stunned me unconscious, and we were practically soul mates because of the patronuses, but still- what else? People weren't staring anymore this time, as they were the first two times, but this time, we found our seats on the opposite side of the table, and I was pretty much being stalked by the one and only- Severus Snape.

He obviously regretted stunning me, but I couldn't keep looking forward, because I kept seeing him staring. He was probably examining if I was okay, and whatnot. I kept trying to glance at all of my friends to seem like I was deep in conversation, and also to avoid his eyes. Truthfully, I was pretty fine. One can just get lost in thought sometimes when you just find out who your bloody soul mate is! I kept zoning off, and everyone then thought I wasn't okay, but truth is, I was just thinking. Uh. Marlene and the girls kept giving me looks, and naturally, the boys kept smirking at James. 

Except for Remus, well- he was worried in the beginning, but then he was smirking, but now he was just smiling and eating. I barely even acknowledged when or what I ate, as I was lost in thought. I was surprised at how I've been eating. I wonder how I haven't choked by now. Huh. I looked down at my plate and saw a variety of foods that I would normally eat. See? I'm still myself. Everything is totally normal. Finally, the meal ended, and the dessert was starting to appear. I couldn't wait to just get out of here and sit on my bed peacefully. Although I knew the girls would never let me go to sleep without forcing me to spit out everything.

"You okay Evans?" Potter whispered as he put some treacle tart in his mouth.

I snapped back to reality and looked around. Normal Hogwarts dinner. It was dinner, right? It felt like I had just woken up. Yes of course it was dinner.

"Yeah you?" I said casually, reaching for the pudding in front of me.

"Fine?" He said confused.

"Okay?" I said smiling back confusedly.

What did I just do? I mean I didn't do anything but still. Still what? What Lily? WHAT? Goodness, what was I even thinking about?

Potter, of course. 

No! I was NoT. 

Yes, you were.

 No, I wasn't. 

Yes, you were. 

Yes, I was! 

Wait- no I wasn't. No. Nope. 

Well, thanks self-conscious! This isn't happening again. Come on! Look around! Distract yourself! I looked around desperately needing to start a discussion with someone.  I, unfortunately, glanced forward again and saw Snape giving the entire Gryffindor table a hard stare. UHH! Why was he so annoyed? Sorry, but I didn't understand what he thought was obvious. 

"Creepy huh?" Whispered James leaning towards my ear. 

"Yes," I said uncomfortably trying to continue eating my pudding.

"Want to get out of here?" He said casually.

"Wha- how?" I said, shocked.

"So you do?" He said smirking and eating the last piece of his tart. 

I just gave him a "help me out or don't help me" look, and I saw him glance at Sirius. Sirius stared at him coldly, before he got up and sat down at the Slytherin table, ripping everyone's glares that were facing us, behind them, where Sirius had just taken a place between a small girl and an older boy.

"OH SiLLy mE!" He exclaimed.

I saw Snape's eyes go towards the dimwit who had just sat at his house's table. Suddenly, I felt myself being wrapped in a blanket and lifted into the air. 

"Shh," Potter muttered putting his hand over my mouth.

A smile couldn't help but form on my lips, as I saw James's grin and as I heard Sirius yell


He gasped dramatically and almost whimpered, I heard gasps probably coming from the Slytherins, but more laughs coming from the rest of the houses.

"How foolish of me!" He yelled as I heard him mutter,

"Moony. NO WAit-" 

James was still holding me easily, with my back against his chest, almost in a sort of cage. He gave me a perfect view of the direction we were going, which was out of the Great Hall. Thank goodness. Not that I couldn't have lasted, but meals were always so long, almost 2 hours along with speeches and anything else that might happen. As soon as we slipped out of the Great Hall, he put me down, but we kept the cloak on.

"Aww. That's too bad. I liked being carried around everywhere." I said sarcastically, grinning at James. 

He gave me a look of bewildered shock, and immediately picked me up and started running, pulling the invisibility cloak off after a few seconds. We laughed as he ran about the castle with me. I didn't even know where he was going, but I didn't care, as long as I was with him.

What Lily and James didn't know that night, was that Professor Dumbledore was watching the entire scene between Lily, James, Snape, and Sirius, and had seen James get up, throw the cloak on himself and cover Lily with it as well, before they both disappeared. He knew all too well, this would usually take about 60 points from Gryffindor, but he just watched them disappear, and continued eating his meal, smiling brightly, as he watched Sirius continue the scene that he started, as Remus pulled him away and dragged him back towards the Gryffindor table.

Sorry! This was pretty much a filler chapter, but I promise it gets better!

Jily: SoulmatesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora