Chapter 8: Prongs

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After the whole, reintroductions, and whatnot in the library, this was just what I needed. Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? And out of all people, with James Potter. The first time I produce a dang patronus, and this happens! My stupid patronus had just frolicked with James Potter's! What did this even mean? The patronuses even looked exactly the same. Almost. They were male and females obviously. James and Remus kept exchanging nervous glances throughout the entire class, and now I finally knew why.

I saw Snape's hurt expression the entire class, and even more when James sent his patronus along with mine. The marauders knew this might happen, but they weren't sure. That's why they kept giving each other weird and nervous glances. That's why Remus's wolf patronus- huh- attacked James's patronus, which I still didn't know the name of. Both of the animals were familiar, but my brain couldn't comprehend anything more now. I didn't even know what my own patronus was called! This was absurd, never in a million years did I think this would happen to me, and I wouldn't be as mad! A month ago, I would've single-handedly murdered Potter if he kept flirting and asking me out. Now,

I wasn't even mad at them. Well, a little at Potter, but I was more shocked. I saw the section on Patronus soulmates in the book we all used for our essays, but I didn't think this would happen. I knew he had a thing for me, but he didn't force my patronus to take the female version of his. What do I do? I just got extra marks for this, but I wish it never happened. The worst part was, that I was thinking of Potter when I conjured the charm. I was thinking of when we ran hand in hand, like idiots through the halls. I thought of his messy raven hair, his hazel eyes, and his sweet smile, but I never once expected this.

"Thank you, Professor." I heard him say.

Then he walked up to me and practically dragged me out of the class, and down the corridors since I was still in shock.

I thought I saw someone follow us out, but I was too preoccupied to give it any thought. He led us both down the corridors before he stopped somewhere further away and isolated. I stared at him curiously. He was trying to figure out what to say and how to say it when the name came to my mind finally. 

"It's a stag," I said, more like a question instead of a statement.

"Yes but-" he started.

"And mine's the female version," I said, knowing very well what it was called, but not saying the name.

"Yes it's-" he started, but I interrupted again.

"A doe." I finished with tears in my eyes for some weird reason.

He nodded sadly as he knew the next question.

"And you knew?" I asked him.

"No. I didn't think yours would be, well, what it is. I knew about this- type- of Patronus, but I never thought that it would-" he started, but I interrupted him again, by putting my finger on his lips.

"I know," I said, tearing up.

I grabbed his hand and stared at him.

"You knew how to produce a patronus." I stated.

"That's why- you-" I stuttered.

"Yes, Lily." He said looking down guilty.

"Lily I-" he started, but I interrupted him by grabbing his head and pulling it close to mine.

Our lips were 3 inches apart, and I looked into his eyes and allowed myself to get lost in them. Our chests were touching, and our lips were even closer now before I reached up and smashed us into a hug, seeing the figure that I thought was I saw earlier following us, to be right there, staring at me. Thank goodness my eyes were half-closed. I silently made a plan, even though I didn't want to leave his embrace. My head was on his shoulder and his arms were around me, and I wanted to stay like that for a while, but I saw Snape point his wand at Jame's back. I decided to act. 

"Don't fight him," I whispered in his ear as I turned both of us around in the hug, my backside facing the spell that was supposed to hit James' back.

I remember seeing his worried, and furious face and him catching me before I officially blacked out. 

Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't know what else to add since Lily blacked out. Eeehh. I really hope you liked it! Please comment if you did!

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