Chapter 26: Lily's Winter Break

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RAINDROPS (an angel cried)- Ariana Grande

"Petunia's out, so she couldn't come to greet you at the station, darling." I heard my mum's voice echo in my mind as I stared at the walls of my room.

My parents always loved when I came home in a break, but Petunia was just getting worse and worse. Well, she wasn't getting worse, but as time passed and I grew older, my respect for wizards grew and Petunia would continue to insult wizards, magic, and anything that had to do with me. I knew that times were getting darker, and I really couldn't deal with Petunia's complaints anymore. If she wanted to be my friend, my sister, then I would let her. If not, I wouldn't treat her the way she treats me.

I decided to go make some late-night tea, even though we already ate dinner. I knew mum would probably still be down, but I didn't know if Petunia was back yet. It was almost 10 pm, so I decided to finally go down and take myself out of my thoughts.  I got up and made my way down the stairs to find mum sitting with Petunia at the table. I was about to greet her kindly before her eyes followed my mum's and she stared at me.

"Oh, the freak's back?" Petunia asked casually, stirring in her drink.

"Hello, Petunia!" I said as happily as possible despite just being insulted. 

Petunia scowled but mum didn't say anything. She's tried ever since my first year at Hogwarts to make Petunia okay with the fact that I'm magical, but she stopped trying in the summer between 4th and 5th year when Petunia called mum a "supporter of the freaks." 

Every time I came home, I would try to ignore her, and most of the time I could successfully do that because I was used to it, but every time, at the end of the break, her little insults would cause me to tear up or even cry. It was always hard the next day when I would go back to school. It would make me feel guilty, especially if my parents dragged Petunia along to the station. I was hoping to become friends with Petunia over break, but I didn't know how that was going to work.

It didn't seem like she wanted to see me, so I just made my tea and took it upstairs, letting mum deal with her. I was fine until I finished my tea. I was thinking about a few hours ago when I was next to my friends on the train. As much as I hated to admit it, I was thinking about him. The one only, James Potter. I hated myself for that, but I felt at peace when I thought about our time together. I couldn't help thinking about his messy raven hair and how he messed it up even more when he ruffled his hair. The playful smirk that rested on his face whenever I saw him. 

The tiny rustic quidditch smell that I smelled when I was close to him which I loved. The feel of his fingers intertwined with mine, and his arm around my back and my waist whenever he would pull me into his arms and carry me out. His soft breath that I felt on me whenever I was in his arms. His soft lips brushing against my own lips, only once of course. The multiple looks he gave me throughout the day said more than words. The way his eyes would light up every time I saw him. Suddenly, I felt someone watching me.

"Lily," Mum started, watching me worriedly. 

I was sitting on my bed staring at nothing.

"Petunia's not coming around." She said sadly, coming to sit next to me.

"Are you alright?" She asked, putting her hand on my back.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." I trailed off.

She waited a minute and then started talking again.

"Might I ask about who?" She smirked at me.

"No one in specific." I lied, moving around a bit, but she saw straight through my lie.

"That's interesting. What about a specific raven-haired handsome young boy that I saw you hug?" She smirked at me.

I gasped and stared at her. She had a grin on her face and my frown soon turn into a little smile.

"I knew it!" Mum exclaimed.

"Spill." She said, closing the door.

"There's nothing to spill." I breathed as I collapsed back down on my bed to find myself staring at the ceiling.

Mum laid down in the same position right next to me. She didn't say anything which made me feel exactly how she wanted me to feel.

"Okay, he's one of my friends." I let out.

"And?" Mum asked from next to me.

"And nothing." I stuttered, still staring at the ceiling and wandering back towards the image of James.

"I don't believe you," Mum said softly.

"I don't believe myself either," I whispered back.

But she didn't know what I didn't believe. She thought I didn't believe that I had nothing with James, which I knew, but I also didn't believe something else just as important. Something that I would never admit, except to myself maybe once in a while. 

I couldn't believe that I had actually- ACTUALLY- fallen, for James Potter.

SORRY FOR THE SHORT AND BORING CHAPTER!!! This story gets way better I promise!! Anyway, thank you all for reading!!!

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