Chapter 30: The Beginning of Many Adventures

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AIRPLANES- B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams


We waited a few minutes until most of the students had exited and then we started on. James bewitched my trunk to follow us before I could do anything about it. Always such the show-off. I appreciated this gesture from him though, even if it was a show-off. I really didn't have the strength, or the nerves to pull around a heavy trunk behind me after the ride that I had. I felt myself flinch unwillingly every time a loud noise was made, and I hated myself for this, but I couldn't help the side effects. I hoped they would wear off soon because I really didn't have any more time for fragile and broken Lily.

"Don't trip on your way out!" Sirius exclaimed as I exited the compartment behind James.

"Don't topple on top of me when I do!" I yelled back.

James looked back at me and smiled as Remus followed behind me, Sirius following, then Marlene, along with the rest of our friends. I continued following James until we reached the doors of the train. I smiled at being able to get out of the train without being bothered when suddenly, I heard the train let out a horribly loud whistle that echoed in my head as I stepped off of the train and onto the Platform. I nearly missed the ground on the way as I shuddered, but I don't think anyone noticed. Thank Merlin I didn't actually trip. 

I soon saw my trunk whiz past me and land next to all of the other ones as everyone else walked to return theirs. I shook my head to shake off the horrible feeling, but nothing happened, so I just had to deal with it. I saw my friends starting to walk back and I suddenly turned on the spot to look for the magic carriages. I saw the last ones near us, so I started towards them, knowing it wouldn't be there much longer. I was the first one to step on the carriage, and soon all of my friends followed. The girls all sat next to me and James was right in front of me.

No one really said anything the entire ride as we were all just mostly just hungry, tired, and sleepy. I had to figure all this out with McGonagall as well, AND I needed to get past the feast. I would be so surprised if I made it to the end of tonight without fainting, crying, or falling asleep. I really hoped that James could do that charm he was talking about. Or- spell, or whatever it was. If he thought it would help me, it would be fine. Stay next to your friends. 

"Are you okay Lily?" Mary whispered in my ear as the rest of our friends started chattering.

"I mean why can't WE see them? Do you think they can see each other?" Sirius exclaimed. 

"Spectacular," I whispered back with a smirk.

"Do you think they can see themselves?" Marlene asked curiously.

Mary sighed and returned put her head back, rolling her eyes. I looked up towards the castle and saw that we had almost arrived at the gates. I stared at the huge castle and admired its detail and beauty until I felt the carriage come to a stop. I took one last look and turned my attention to my friends. James and Sirius were the only ones left and Sirius was now getting down.

"After you," James said dramatically as he bowed and pointed towards the exit.

"Oh shush and get up," I snapped, holding back a laugh and grinning.

"Honestly,"  I muttered, rolling my eyes as I stepped off the carriage carefully. 

I congratulated myself mentally, and grinned, looking up at Sirius.

"Disappointed?" I smirked.

"Why would I be disappointed that you didn't fall off the carriage and break your leg?" Sirius said smartly.

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