Chapter 24: Arriving at the Station

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IT'S YOU- Ali Gatie


"Lily." I heard someone whisper.


My heart fluttered at this cute name he called me.

"Wake up," James whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes and remembered that we were on the train. Remus and Peter were looking at something, and Dorcas and Mary were blabbering on and on. Marlene and Sirius were both curiously sleeping, but it was probably because their energy was higher than all of ours, every single day. They were both sharing the entire right side of the compartment!

"What is happening?" I whispered immediately upon seeing the scene. 

"I'm not exactly sure," James whispered as I lifted my head off of his shoulder.

"Ah! The first pair of lovebirds are awake!" Mary exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked them, unaware of the natural closeness James and I were both currently sharing.

"You fell asleep, and then James did too," Dorcas started, an interest sparking on her face. 

"And them?" James asked frantically pointing at Sirius and Marlene with his free hand. 

"They both fell asleep like you two did, but Peter was obviously third-wheeling, so he moved with us." Remus grinned.

"It was really a dreadful sight to watch them sleep," Mary started.

"It feels like we shouldn't be here," Peter said uncomfortably. 

James and I laughed.

"How much time has passed?" James asked mostly Remus.

"About two hours." He stated.

"We should be arriving soon," Remus continued.

"Wait, they got 4 whole seats and we got the floor?" James asked, finally waking up.

He ran his hand through his raven hair, but that only made it messier as Remus turned to him.

"Courtesy of Sirius's dares," Remus said, pointing at the two sleeping figures.

"Uhh." James groaned and slumped his head back to let it lean on the wall.

"SPEAKING OF DARES," Mary started.

"Your hands?" Peter asked. 

"Desperate for action?" I asked as I lifted our intertwined hands into the air so everyone could see them.

"Good girl!" Dorcas exclaimed as Mary laughed and the boys smirked. 

We dropped our hands back down and said nothing the rest of the ride. I sighed and leaned back onto James. We spent the rest of the ride not noticing who we were actually next to, or that our hands were intertwined, or that our bodies were pressed so close to each other. It all felt so natural that it wasn't weird anymore. The warmth that was radiating from his hand to mine felt like it was powering me. We were squashed into each other willingly, even though we both had a few more inches to scoot over, but neither of us realized that we enjoyed this better than scooting apart. We were both completely oblivious.

Our friends didn't say anything, not even a smirk. We both just enjoyed this time together listening to our friends' chatter, and occasionally letting out a light chuckle or smile, because we were truly happy at that moment. This moment was full of happiness, bliss, and we didn't know it then, but it was full of love. That's when I really appreciated my world and my amazing friends who stood by me, no matter what. I didn't regret anything that had happened in the past 2 months. All it did was bring me closer to who I needed to be, and to my truest friends.

Suddenly, the train started going slower and slower as it was reaching the station.

"Let's wake them up!" I exclaimed with a smirk at James.

"I like how you think!" James said, starting to get up.

"You can't let go of your hands until you exit the train!" Mary yelled.

"I believe it was until the train stops," I began.

"But seeing as the train didn't stop yet, whatever you wish Ms. Mary," I said, smirking and starting to get up.

"What do we do to them? There are too many to choose from!" James exclaimed as we got up.

"I think a few droplets of water will do enough," I smirked, pulling out my wand.

We both nonverbally cast water on them, and immediately they sprung awake, coughing and yelling. 

"How was your nap?" James asked in a sing-songy voice.

"Better when I was sleeping!" Sirius grumbled as they both got up and conjured a drying charm.

"Did you have sweet dreams?" I asked in a dreamy voice.

They were both about to say something, but Sirius saw our intertwined hands and immediately gasped.

"WHAT IS GOING ON THERE?!" Sirius yelled, pointing at our hands that were locked together.

"Your dare," Remus reminded him smartly.

Sirius's expression turned into a pout and Marlene scoffed.

"Have we arrived?" Marlene asked, rubbing her eyes, and trying to hide the blush on her face as she remembered how she and Sirius woke up.

"What day is it?" Sirius asked as he yawned, and I stifled a laugh. 

"It's the same day as when you fell asleep," James grinned as we both started to sit on the seats next to them.

"Ah-ah-ah." Sirius started.

"If I remember correctly, I gave you both another dare," He smirked at us.

All of our friends were watching us. I stared from Sirius to Marlene, to the seats, and back to James. 

"So you remember that, but you don't remember what day it is!" James groaned, not wanting to crouch back down on the floor.

There was silence for a few seconds along with grins from Marlene and Sirius before I spoke.

"Well, I'm not standing for another 10 minutes until it arrives and frees up," I said, pulling James to the ground.

I was now even more pressed up to James, but he didn't notice either, because it just all felt like it was natural and normal. What a few months can do is shocking, but the change in James's behavior was almost instant. Sure, he was still an arrogant toe-rag, but he had changed a lot. Or maybe it was just what I saw, but this surely wasn't the boy I knew last year. Now that I think about it, around the beginning of our 5th year, he stopped asking me out. Of course, he was still James, but his plan was started for a while. He thought he could earn me by maturing, and he wasn't wrong, but I wanted to his next steps. Oh no. 

This couldn't be happening. He was trying to get me to fall for his plans, and more importantly, to fall for him! No way. I wouldn't fall, right? No Lily! No doubts! You obviously will not fall! Why would you fall? For his hazel eyes, or his raven messy hair, or the sweet tone he used with me? This wasn't possible. I could never fall for his arrogance. But that was what made him irresistible. NO! Who was this new Lily? My emotions were changing. The old Lily would never fall for James Potter. No. Lily would never fall for the old James! That was it. Oh no. If he kept changing in this way, I would have no choice. But the question was, did I still have a choice, or did I already unknowingly chosen? It couldn't be. It would never happen. 

Had I already fallen for James Potter?

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