Chapter 29: Arriving at Hogwarts

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MAGIC- Coldplay 

Sunday, January 2nd, 1977


All of the boys were giving me weird looks and the girls were still confused, but I was pretty sure that Lily already had her suspicions about Remus. 

"Prefect meeting," Remus muttered after Lily had left.

Sirius kept nudging me randomly which was annoying but also amusing. There was a kind of awkward tension combined with chatter in the room until I saw a bright white mist appear. As it took a form in front of all of us, I saw it turn into something I knew all too well. It was Lily's doe Patronus.

Marlene and Sirius smirked and laughed, but soon the mysterious doe spoke in Lily's voice.

"James," It started in a desperate tone but didn't have time to finish as the Patronus disappeared.

Everyone went quiet and Remus instantly turned his attention towards me.

"The prefect's compartment is the last one towards the right." He told me in a worried tone.

"What happened?" Marlene asked worriedly as she stood up. 

I gave her and Sirius a worried look and took off before they could say anything. I ran through the halls and check each window to the compartments, each of them full of students until I reached one that had the blinds drawn. I heard footsteps behind me and knew that my friends had probably followed me. I didn't waste any more time and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. 

"Alohamora," I whispered, pointing my wand at the door. 

I tried to open it now, but it still wouldn't budge. I knew a spell- no a charm. I think. Okay, focus. I pointed my wand at the door and immediately, a jet of sparks flew from the tip of my wand and the door burst open, revealing two figures, and to my horror, Lily, on the floor in tears. I immediately stunned the one who was torturing Lily and turned to the other one.

"Is this your idea of fun?!?" I yelled at the death eater- I mean, at the student.

"How did you find us?!" He yelled back, shooting spells at me that I blocked.

"Never- mind- THAT," I said between spells, the last one disarming him. 

I threw his wand behind me and to my surprise, Marlene caught it, who had just arrived, with Sirius next to her. 

"COME AND GET IT!" Sirius yelled, grabbing Marlene's hand tightly and quickly running away as the boy charged angrily after them.

I immediately rushed to Lily who desperately tried to calm down but couldn't. I picked her up and placed her on my lap as I sat down on the floor where she was. She continued sniffling, trying to stop her cries, but wasn't successful.

"James- it- it- hurt, so horribly," She cried into my chest.

"Shh. I know. It's over now. Shh. You're safe." I whispered, softly stroking her hair. 

"You- got my- Patronus?" She asked between sniffs and tears.

"Yes," I whispered softly back to her. 

She waited a few seconds before she took a deep breath, placing her head on my chest, and started to speak again.

"I missed you." She sighed sadly.

I chuckled lightly and held her tighter.

"Did you really?" I chuckled softly.

"Yes," She replied with a soft laugh.

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