16 | released from jail

Start from the beginning

"How come you're out of jail?" Delilah asks, curious.

"They dropped the charges." John B replies.

"Are you telling me that I did all of that work for nothing?" JJ questions.

"Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time? 'Foolproof', wasn't it?" Pope comments.

"Yeah, it was actually." JJ argues.

"Where's Sarah?" John B asks, receiving nothing in response. "Guys, where is she?"

"She went to go meet Wheezie last, but she didn't come back." Kie informs.

"She just dipped and didn't call?" John B questions.

"Yeah, man." Pope replies. "She just left her bag and didn't tell anyone."

"Okay, I... I really think Ward got to her." John B stammers. "I mean, the dude tried to have me killed in jail."

Delilah's brows furrow. "Wait, what?"

"He sent somebody to the prison who choked me and almost killed me." John B tells them.

"Do we know who this dude was?" JJ asks.

"No, I have no idea." John B replies. "Dude, I swear to god, one day I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

"It's okay." Kie assures.

"No, Kie, it's not okay." John B protests. "We've got to find Sarah."

"No, literally, it's okay." Kie repeats. "She's literally right behind you."

All eyes turn around to see another boat travelling towards the wooden docks that they're all sitting on. Sarah is sitting inside of that boat as Topper directs where it's going, an unreadable expression crossed over his face. The blonde haired girl's face lights up at the sight of her boyfriend and best friends, calling out to them. But they all have confused expressions at the unexpected sight of her with her ex-boyfriend.

"Kie, I thought you said she went to see Wheezie, not him." Delilah says.

"I did, because that's what she told us." Kie replies as her brows furrow. "What the hell is she doing with him anyway?"

Sarah sprints over to the brunet boy and engulfs him into a tight hug after hopping down from the boat and stepping onto the wood of the docks. John B just smiles at the feeling of her affection, wrapping his arms around her body to hold her close. Both of their bodies sway slightly as their feet move to keep them steady and stable, trying to avoid falling over.

"I didn't know if I would see you again." Sarah states as they break away. "What happened?"

"They dropped all the charges." John B replies with a smile. "I'm a free man now."

"That's amazing!" Sarah exclaims.

"I know, yeah. It's great." John B agrees. "But listen, Sarah, they're coming after Rafe."

"Good. He's completely unhinged." Sarah tells them, pausing as she takes a shaky breath. "He jumped me last night. That's why I didn't come back."

"What the fuck?" Delilah mumbles.

"Rafe has lost his mind." Topper states as he decides to speak up. "He literally almost drowned his sister. Thankfully, I got there just in time."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now