The Dress Part 2.

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Alex POV:
As soon as I got off that flying death machine I threw up in the nearest bin.

Five patted my back "let it out...take your time"

I only hear Debbie and Jess cackle uncontrollably. Jess walks close to me "I'm sorry" she sniffs and tries to catch her breath

Me and Five both give her a death stare which causes her to back up slowly and stop laughing and it quiets Debbie too.

Two cars pull up and we pile into both, and we drive 15 minutes to a fancy looking hotel. I walk into the large penthouse we'll all be sharing and my jaw drops "holy..."

Theodore pats my shoulder "You're drooling hun"

I close my mouth and snicker "Hah, very funny" I walk around still in awe "this is incredible.."

Destiny walks in and grabs my arm "Well let's go!"

I look confused as she basically dragged me out the door "what do you mean?"

Destiny looks at me excited "we're going to do what we came  here to do, we're burning daylight we can't waste a second! Girls! Into the car! Guys your car will be here soon!"

All the girls piled into the elevator and we made our decent "Fo you not get jet logged or, or tired at all?"I ask her dumbfounded. It's incredible how she can just get off a plane and get straight to buisness without missing a beat, it's not human!

"Nope, it's the energy you get from being a buisness woman of the world my dear" she pats my head

I look at Quinn and she just shrugs "mommy is always awake...she wakes me up early, it's kinda annoying"

I cover my mouth and try not to laugh, Destiny looks a mix of shock and hurt. Well at least she's honest.

We pile into the limo that was in front of the building and immediately make our way to the store.

I was looking out the window when Destiny tapped me "so I was thinking, I feel like a mermaid cut or trumpet would look amazing on you what do you think?"

I shake my head "A line dresses please I don't want to have anything tight..Too smothering you know?" Aand I don't want people looking at this monstrosity..

Destiny pouts "Alright You don't have to get that cut but humor me and try one on..please?"

I huff "I'll think about it, no promises"

We don't speak another word of my dress the whole ride, we more focused on the bridesmaids dresses which I luckily already had a good idea of what I wanted.

We pull up to the building and we make our way into the store,
Destiny walks up to the front desk "Hello, we are here for our appointment, under the name grey"

The woman at the desk heard her name  and immediately picked up the phone and called someone.

I whisper to Destiny "what was all that about?"

Destiny looked smug "I have my fingers in pots all around the world hun, that's what that was about"

A woman rushed out of nowhere and nearly tackled Destiny in a hug "Linda!!"

Destiny hugged her back with a giggle "it's good to see you too Yelana"

Yelana looks around "Where's the bride?"

I raise my hand "That would me me"

Yelana walks up to me and starts examining me "So beautiful! These curves yes! We will take good care of you" she basically drags me away and points to the lady at the desk "Please show them where they will be seated"

Destiny, my mom and my dad follow us to look for dresses.
We comb through dresses looking at only puffy dresses..I don't like any of these at all on the rack or on me...the peanut gallery doesn't like any of them either, god now I know I'm the problem.

I am combing through dresses again and I'm stunned,

I am completely speechless, It's perfect

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I am completely speechless, It's perfect...I almost walked up to the mannequin the dress was draped on, but I look down at my body and sigh...maybe not..I'm not mannequin sized

Destiny pats my shoulder "You found something?"

I look at her and shake my head "no, you found something?"

She nods and we make our way to the dressing room. I try on a couple more, I don't think I will ever feel that spark I felt for that dress again...I guess I'll have to settle.

Destiny walks in with a dress "hey...not feeling it?"

I shake my head "no...I'll keep trying though.."

"Well I know you never promised to try on a mermaid dress..but I found one I know you love"

I look at the dress in her hands and it was that dress "Destiny..."

She holds it out to me "I saw the way you looked at this dress...You need to have worn this at least once"

I sigh and take the dress, Destiny walks out and I put it on. I ready for this? I want to look good in this so badly...God just turn around it won't kill you it's just a stupid dress for a wedding you didn't want to have why should this hurt you?

I slowly turn around and my heart shatters once I glance at myself.
The dress is absolutely beautiful, I'm just not..

I start to bawl my eyes out whole curled up on the bench in the room and Destiny makes her way in "Hey, hey what's wrong?"

I look down "Go away, don't look at me.. God I feel disgusting my body is awful I look awful I don't want anyone to see me"

Destiny sits next to me and hugs me tight "shh, it's okay it's okay...let it out"

She sat there with me for 20 minutes straight while I balled my eyes out and vented my frustrations.

She rubbed my back "you know, I wouldn't suggest this if I felt it wouldn't help you because I feel you're beautiful no matter what form you take..but you don't belive that and that makes me sad"

She takes my face in her hands and makes me look at her "there are things that you can do to get you back to where you were, Like a tummy tuck for starters..
I'm not saying you need it, but if that's something you would want..I would support you all the way"

I thought for a moment, "surgery huh?..well that doesn't sound too awful..anything to get rid of this stubborn weight and skin..."
Can I do this?

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