Free Cage

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The sun wakes me up, Five is gone..

I sit up and look out the window.

I immediately take notice to the absence of the locks that are usually on them.

I'm free...really free..

I get up, shower and get dressed

Then I walk around the house, he's not home I guess

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Then I walk around the house, he's not home I guess.. I try the door and it immediately opens which startles me. I push it open hesitantly and step outside.

I just walked outside without being monitored or chased, This is so weird I feel so liberated!!
I take a deep breath and look around, huh I guess I haven't been out here enough to really enjoy the's beautiful. I'm thirsty so I'll explore once I have something to drink.

I walk back inside then go into the kitchen, I didn't pay the kitchen much mind but he had placed some coffee beans, hot coco pods, hazelnut creamer, a coffee maker, donuts and my phone on the counter with a note which read,
'I am so thankful that you want to stay so this is how im showing my thanks, I don't drink coffee so I had to get this..I knew you liked it because at the beginning I kinda went through your phone and figured that out..(I'm so so sorry about that). Please enjoy the donuts
-Five ♡'

I grabbed my phone almost immediately and opened it up, he must've charged it up knowing this would be my reaction..

The first thing I see is 999+ texts from my mom, dad, sister, brother, and friends

I start with my mom

Mom- are you coming over of dinner? I know we didn't get off on the right foot last time let's try and start over

Mom- Alex?

Mom- I know we argued but that doesn't mean you ghost me out of the blue

Mom- Please..please text or call I'm

Mom- this shit isn't funny Alex!!!

Mom- please answer


Voice message- "Alex! Oh my god baby are you okay!? I just heard Justin (my now ex/dead boyfriend) was found dead! Please call me just to let me know your okay!!!!

Mom- I don't know if your even alive but if you are please call me...or text me..anything please

.. I know we almost never got along but I'm sorry for making you didn't deserve this I know you love me..

Next dad...oh god

Pop- Al your mom is super worried what is going on?

Pop- Alll?

Pop- Alex?

Pop-Alex answer your phone

Pop- Alex please

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