Playing nice Part 1.

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Five POV:

Alright, Alright You can do this just keep calm and play the part...

You've done it before you can do it when it counts...

I shake myself out and put on a straight face, I walk into the office and Uridicy looks up to me from his desk "You're here, please sit"

I sit right in front of him "What do you want? I'm supposed to be being a good father right now..not that you know anything about that"

He takes off his reading glasses and looks at me "I was just wondering if you were ready to start learning how things work in the ol you can take over one day when I'm long gone"

I shake my head "I don't see why not, besides my blatant hatred for you, the fact that I am stuck here and my last attempt to escape failed and there is no way in hell I can escape with three infants...this buisness would be a good source of income that could give my children and soon to be wife a good life filled with comfort"

Uridicy is taken aback "oh!, well...I uh I'm happy that you've-"

I hold up my hand "Shut...up, first off...I'll take time out of everyday to be a father to my children and a husband to my wife nor will I abuse them like you did me to create a heir..
second off..I don't give a shit about your happiness or pride you may feel...I don't care if you dropped dead on this table right in front of me this second...
I just want to learn how to run this buisness, trust me I don't relish the thought of listening to your grating voice or looking at your shit face at all let alone everyday of the week. So save me the lecture and get to teaching"

My dad pulls a gun out and points it right at my head, I don't even flinch as I look him dead in the eye  "shoot me...I have no fears"

He tilts the gun up and points it at the ceiling and shoots a bullet then points it back "what about now?"

I disarm him and point it at him, his expression is unchanging "shoot it.."

"No" I put simply


"Because there is no point, there is no bullets in this gun"

"Are you sure about that?"


"Then prove it" he crosses his arms

I point it at my head and pull the trigger without flinching

The gun truely was empty..I flip the gun and hand it back to him with the handle facing out

Uridicy smiled proudly and nodded his head "I can work with this...yes this will do very nicely" he took the gun "Come back tomorrow at the same time"

I turn around and walk out of the office and straight up to my room where Terra and Alex were waiting in anticipation.
Alex looked relived "what was that gun shot!?" She walked up to me "I thought you or uridicy shot eachother..."

I hold her hand "I'm fine, unfortunately he's fine too, it was a test"

Terra stands up "well? Do you think he bought it?"

I shrug "Time will tell, I think I did well though"

Terra picks up a box  and hands it to me "let's hope it did"

I open the box and there is a bunch of new papers and IDs "Thanks Terra, How much did these cost I should pay you back"

Terra snorts "You couldn't afford to even in your dreams, and don't even worry about it. It was a favor from a friend so it was on the house"

I roll my eyes and pat her back and she pats mine "Thanks all the same man, now I owe you an even bigger favor"

She smiles "Just let me be one of your groomsmen and we'll call it square"


Terra leaves and I sit down on the bed, alex sits next to me and holds my hand "How do you feel?"

I rub my nose bridge "I feel like I've lost, like I'm becoming the son he always wanted, and he doesn't deserve even a tase of that...but he will..for nine makes me sick"

Alex plays with my hair  and let's me lean in her shoulder "Is there anything I can do to support you through this?"

I look up at her and smile "There you go again..."

She looks confused "what do you mean?"

I sit back on my hands on the bed and look at her "You are just so kind and gracious, that's what I always loved about you"

She leans on her knees "I'll admit, if I hadn't gotten pregnant I probably would have resented you forever, letting fear keep me trapped in a loop of pain and uncertainty...
But I'm greatful...I'm so grateful to you for changing, showing me the more human side of you..promising to get better and getting better...
You doing that allowed me to step back and see who you were under all that hurt and desperation and the person under that is who I fell in love with...gentle person who wanted to be kind but was just constantly getting pushed down..who hated themself for every sin they commited..."

Tears flow down my cheeks and she pulled me into a hug, I hugged her tightly "You want to know how you can support me?, just ask me of I'm okay....remind me of the future I'm fighting for and never let me be that greedy person again, not even for a second"

She kisses my head "I think I can do that"

Yandere oneshots :3....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora