The mall

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(This is just a oneshot..)
This is all an act..
I have been playing nice for the past couple weeks and things can be as okay as expected but today was a true mark of progress

"The mall?" I tilt my head

"Thats right,I wanted to get you some things for being so good...go get dressed"

Is today the day?...they day I can escape? I examine I act up in the mall there is not telling what he could do...who he might hurt...this may be painful but I have to behave...

"O-okay.." I smile 'genuinely' and walk upstairs to see he had already layed out some clothes for me

" I smile 'genuinely' and walk upstairs to see he had already layed out some clothes for me

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Ugh...I don't need him to dress me...I'm not a doll nor a child....

I put it on nonetheless and tie my hair in a bun. I run back downstairs to see him fiddling with a gun and turning towards me "you look beautiful babydoll"

I gulp "y-you have a gun?" I take a step back

"Yes...but I will only use it if necessary.." he stuffs it into the back of his shirt and beckons me with his finger to which I comply by walking right in front of him. He traces his thumb along my scar that is on my cheek from the first day be brought me here and slashed me.
"It is healing up nicely"

"It wouldn't be there is you hadn't cut me" I spit but then realize that I had broken character and mentally kicked myself

"Well I am very sorry for that really I am but it had to be done and besides" he cups my face and examines me "It doesn't make you any less beautiful doll..." he kisses my scar "you will always no matter what be perfect to me" he kisses all over my face gently "never forget it" I almost felt tender but I fought off the stupid emotion, "I won't" I smile weakly and he lets me go

"Now before we leave I am going to establish some rules...
1. You will be in contact with me at all times no matter what
2. You only allowed to used unisex/family bathrooms
3.If you try to escape I will light that place up like the fourth of july.... you wouldn't be able to live with yourself because of the simple fact that many people are injured or dead I can tell that much about you so please let's try to avoid that as much as possible"

I knew it..

"I understand.." I hold his hand

"Good" he squeezes my hand and leads me out to the car, we get in the car and he looks over to me while holding up a blindfold "after I put this on you, I want you to put your forehead on the dash until I can tell you that you can look"

I pout "but why!?"

"I'm not taking any chances doll" he ties the blindfold over my eyes and I put my  forehead on the dash so im facing downwards

"I feel like I look like an idiot right now" I grimace

"You kinda do but at least only I can see it" he jokes

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