Baby shower pt.1

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I slowly stir awake, Five isn't in bed and then I looked to the clock, 3 hours had passed.

I slowly got out of bed and went to go take a shower and get ready for the day.

Once I was fully dressed I walked downstairs and I saw Five drinking coffee with a person I have never seen before

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Once I was fully dressed I walked downstairs and I saw Five drinking coffee with a person I have never seen before.

Five looks at me and walks over to me placing one hand on my lower back "Hello my beautiful" he kisses my head

"I wasn't expecting company"

"Well you wanted to meet my friends and family so here he is!" He gestures to the man who then stands up and walks over to me holding out his hand

Five introduces him" I'd like you to meet my family friend Theodore"

I take his hand and shake it "it's a pleasure"

"Belive me it's all mine" he smiles warmly, he had a very velvety southern accent "I hear Y'all're havin' triplets"

"That we are" I caress my stomach kinda proudly

"Phew that's a lot of responsibility for first time parents, I remember when I had my little one not too long ago...I was terrified..but yall have that times three. I don't have any advice to give because parents and their children are all unique. All I gotta say is trust yer gut and if you need any help I'm here for you y'hear?"

I smile and squeeze his hand "thank you" I finally let go of his hand " did you two meet?"

He smiles and adjusts his hat while whistling "shoot I've known this boy ever since we were young, hit it off almost immediately and we have been attached at the hip ever since"

"That's right" Five puts his arm around his neck "now don't you go and tell her anything embarrassing"

"Wouldn't dream of it"

Five makes a 'really?' Face "that's a lie isn't it?"

"Yyep"he pats his shoulder

Five groans "Figures" Five walks to the kitchen "You should eat and talk"

I shake my head and go to the dinnertable and eat my breakfast, Theo and Five are about to sit but then Five gets a call.
Theodore sits down while Five answers the phone, Five holds the phone to his chest "it's about work I gotta take this, I'll be right back"he says as he walks into his office.

I after a couple minutes of silence I turn to Theodore "so you two have known eachother since childhood right?" I toy with my food "do you know by chance anything about Ben's parents?"

"He told me you didn't meet them, and he has good intentions belive me. They are not people you want to worry your head about" theo tries to reassured

"Just tell me anything...please?" I beg

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