It's Time

846 11 2

(T/W: Childbirth)
Graphic Rating:Medium
Amniotic fluid


Five POV:
I dragged Alex through the woods as we ran, she struggled to keep up with me
Alex sounded worried as she whisper yelled "Aack, slow down would you?"

We have to get as far away as we can..

Alex all the sudden stops running and yells out in pain "Fuuuck!!!"

I look back at her in confusion and stop all together, she starts to collapse to the ground and hyperventilate.

"Alex? Alex are you okay?" I ask in a worried tone

She is out of breath "fuck I think it's time"

My heart sinks "it's..time? Are you sure?"
Well this wasn't part of the plan...

'Flashback to the night before'

"Basically you two are going to attempt a fake escape tomorrow at night during this time into the woods around this estate.. there will be a security guard around every entrance and exit to this house, at exactly 11:45 they will rotate, catch them mid rotation and take one out and take his security card and gun, the one guard will see the  other unconscious and report to me

To which I'll alert Uridicy to and inevitably catch you...this will be the incident to break your spirit" terra explains

"That could work" I said hopefully, I turned to alex "do you think you're up for're heavily pregnant and this plan requires a lot of movement"

Alex nods "we have to...attempting something like this with 3 babies will be too difficult"

My mom stands up "then it's decided", she walks to the door  "you should rest need it..both of you do, come on"

Terra, Benidict and Destiny let themselves out and closed the door behind them.
As soon as they do Alex breaks down in tears, I sit next to her and hold her gently "I know..I'm scared too", I ran my fingers through her hair "I garuntee we will get out of here and I will give you the normal life you deserve. I promise"


Alex is breathing heavy "screw the goddamn plan this baby.. is coming.."

I start to panic, we hear dogs and see flashlights, god..I really don't want to do this "cover your ears Alex" I shoot a round into the air "OVER HERE!!"

I continue to make noise until they find us, uridicy and Terra obviously leading the search pop up and they immediately look terrified, me and Terra share a look of regret.

I lift her up bridal style "we need to get her to an ER now! Lead us back to the house!"

Terra is talking to Alex "You're gonna be okay, you're doing great, breathe"

We jog back to the house and we put her in a car, I'm just about to get in the driver's seat before Uridicy slides in before me, "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS BULL WHAT THE FU-"

"Your fiance needs you...get in the back, I'll drive with haste" he says calmly

I was about to let him have it but then I hear Alex yell in pain "Fiiive!", I quickly get in the back seat with Alex and begin to comfort her. Uridicy takes off as fast as he can to the hospital

I hold her hand,"hun it's okay it's okay " I take breaths with her. Holy shit this...this is real...I'm about to be a dad...fuck...Am I ready for this!?...
Psh...too late for second thoughts idiot..
God I hate seeing her in so much pain I wish I could take it from her.

Yandere oneshots :3....Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang