The 4 stages of Forgiveness 2/4

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I feel sick all the time and more angry than usual, that I wasn't worried's the fact that I was supposed to be 2 days into my period.

Emphasis on supposed to.

I swear of this asshole did what I think He did...

I stormed downstairs and looked around for him, I banged on his office door "Five!!" I bang more until he rips the door open

"WHAT THE FUCK" He started off very angry but lost confidence throughout his sentence and looked down

"Take me to the store I need something, you have never shown me the way out of this damn forest so I need you to take me"

"But I'm working"

"I only need one thing..." I walk off "let's go"

We get in the car and he starts driving
"So what are you getting?"

"A pregnancy test..I'm late"

"What!?, you think so?" He sounded genuinely shocked which pissed me off

"Yes, and it's not so unbelievable you never used protection...ever.." I spat


We ride in silence for a while

"So...if you do wind up pregnant..what will you do?" He asks

"I'm gonna keep you want to be in it's life or not" I put simply

"I would because I do love you..and it's my kid too"

"Shut up..just-" I massage my temples "I just want to go to the store in silence."

The rest of the car ride is silence until we reach the store, he gives me money and I get the test then we go home.

Once we get home he gets back to work and I go to the bathroom and take the test.
I am sitting on the floor waiting for the results.
His reaction was a little surprising, he probably isn't ready to be a father...just as much as I'm not ready to be a mom...but we are both ready to try.

I want to forgive him but he makes me so mad...

I curled up in a ball and waited for about 5 minutes.

I shakily picked up the test, I took a deep breath and checked it...


I felt sick...I held my head and felt dizzy. I throw up in the toilet and cry, I'm so fucked.

I get up and stumble down to his office, I weakly knock on the door "Five, five it's-" I sniff and sobb harder

He opens the door and looks worried "is it?...oh my god"

"I'm pregnant" I show him the test and he gives me a hug

"It's okay baby...everything will be okay" he tries to comfort me

I shove him away "like he'll this is all your fault!! YOU WERE IRRESPONSIBLE AND NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID, I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU-" I bang on his chest

"I know that just please" he says quietly

"I HATE YOU!!!! I HATE YOU" I keep on

He snaps and grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me "I KNOW"

That quiets me

"DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL MYSELF!?" He grabs a letter opener and holds it to his throat and starts to cut, I see a little blood "CUZ I'LL DO IT RIGHT NOW"

I yank his hand down "NO!!"

He starts to walk off "DO YOU WANT ME TO LEAVE I'LL LEAVE YOU RIGHT NOW" he points to the door

"No!" I keep crying "stop it!!!"

"THEN WHAT...WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?, I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SHOW YOU I'VE CHANGED...I KNOW YOU HATE ME BUT I HATE MYSELF MORE" He crouches on the ground and holds his head "I hate myself more, anytime I look at your skin it makes me want to take it all back...blow my brain out to get rid of the internal suffering I brought on myself by making you suffer...but I can't do isn't fair to do something so selfish as taking my own life to end the suffering I deserve..and I will live with this for the rest of my life..."he covers his face "I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror without wanting to throw up...I have taken 3 lives from this world selfishly...
Those girls just became a statistic of missing persons in the system..I wish...I wish I could bring them back...But I can't"

I was stunned by his words...I don't feel angry anymore..seeing him grovel is making me pity him again..
And maybe this feeling is a sign

I walk to him and crouch "We'll...we will get through this...I will forgive you eventually it's just so hard after what I've been through..we owe it to this child to give them a happy childhood"

He looks at me teary eyed and flushed "Y-you're right...I'll get better...for the sake of this...f-family?"

I nod "Family"

This feels odd...I'm now in this odd space..I haven't forgiven him but I don't hate him as much...but it's progress nonetheless

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