She jumped at your sudden action. "What the hell y/n? What's wrong with you bitch?"

"Bitch? And what's wrong with me is that you don't know where my damn shoes are. Check yourself."

"Well what the fuck do you want your shoes back?" Dani stood up putting her fingers in your face. Everyone in the class knew where this was finna go. People from the hallway started to fall into the classroom.

"Yes Daniella. I thought that I made that shit pretty fucking clear. Cuz I said it more than once."

"Girl shut yo ass up. I hate bitches like you who come to the school and think you're the shit. You're not hoe." Dani said putting her hands in your face, clearly causing a scene. "I will literally beat the shit outta you talking to me like that."

"Nah you doin way too much. In here trynna cause a scene. Get your hand out my face and give me my shit simple." You slide a hair tie off your wrist and started putting your braids back.  "I don't know what Atsumu did to you for you to be acting weird like this but you got the right one today." I turned around to look at Suna who was recording of course.

"Like I said. I. Will. Beat. The. Fuck. Out. Of. You. Bitch." She clapped all the way through the sentence. A couple of "ouus" were scattered throughout the class.

"Sweetheart." You sighed relaxing your shoulders clasping your hands together. Then looking her bare in the eyes. "One thing you don't want to do is that. Now here's what we're gonna do— 1. you gon tell me where my shit is 2. You're going to buy me some new shoes or 3. You can get flipped like a fucking patty on spongebob Bitch I'm not playing with you. I recommend number one."

"Girl shut the fuck up. I don't have time to be arguing with a black bitch that's bellow me." She twirled her hair in her finger rolling her eyes. Following a devilish smirk. My eyes widened at what she just said. I looked around the room for more black people. We all shared the same look. Dani then proceeded to reach in her pocket pulling something out. "You want your shoes?" Between her fingers she held money, and clear as day you could see a $50 bill. "Here." She through the money at you revealing two twenties along with the fifty.

Your eyes shifted down to the money then back at her. You bent down and picked it up, money is money after all."Now when you fucking nose start bleeding don't be telling me to stop." Without hesitation you pulled her by the collar of her shirt dragging her over the desk causing her to fall on the ground. Then kicking her in the stomach.


Dani tried to stand up but she was forced back down from a kick in her leg. "I thought you were gonna fuck me up. What happened Dani? What happened." You kicked her back onto the ground. Quickly getting on top of her throwing punches. She fumbled her arms ferociously like a child who can't swim as she tried to hit you. She was hitting you but not as hard as she thought. You took one of your fist hitting her on the cheek, then slamming her head on the ground. Before you were able to hit her once more you felt someone pull you back. But that didn't stop you from getting one last hit. You brought your leg up and kicked her nose then another kick to her shoulder.

Dani's friends had started to help her up. As soon as she got to her feet she came charging at you but people immediately got in her way. "It's over Dani! It's over stop!"

"Bitch, I'll kill you!" She yelled trying to get through the people who were in front of her.  That's when blood started rushing from her nose, dropping on her and the people around her both.

"Imma aim for you mouth next time. Maybe then that'll teach yo ass to shut the hell up." You said back, you then looked around the classroom. Not one teacher in sight, ain't no way. 'How the fuck?' You thought, as you started for the door to leave the crowded room. "I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO DIRTNECK ASS BITCH!" You said before taking your final steps out the door close behind, laughing at the last thing you just said.

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