Chapter Seventy-Three: Brother Battle

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"Yeah, but he didn't say anything about you being my shot put. Come on, let's go for gold!" Adam yelled.

Chase's eyes widened as he quickly ran away while Adam let out a chucke.

"Starting with sprints. I like it" Adam smirked before running after Chase.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes before going back to my phone.

Douglas joined me on the couch and turned on the T.V and started watching a few things while my gaze was still on my phone.

After a few minutes Chase ran back into the room.

"Douglas, you have to unlock a new ability for me. Adam just put on boxing gloves and tried to hook me to the ceiling!" Chase yelled.

Ok, doesn't anyone think that's too far.

"I'm sorry, Donnie said no" Douglas said while shaking his head.

Chase sighed as I got up and made my way over to him and kissed his cheek.

"But look, I feel your pain. When we were kids, he'd push me around all the time. Then I outgrew him" Douglas said.

"Then you got the upper hand?" Chase asked.

"No, he invented a robot to beat me up. Fisto Roboto was as cruel as he was calculating" Douglas said.

My eyes widened along with Chase before shaking our heads.

"Well, if you know what it is like then why won't you help him?" I asked and Chase nodded.

"Sorry Luna, but your father said no. And I've got to stay on his good side, or else he'll cut off my allowance. I'm saving up to buy a car" Douglas smiled before frowning.

"You know, in case I have to live in it" Douglas said.

This made Chase sigh while I giggled.

"You know what? Fine, I get it. Mr. Davenport is smarter, and older, and he controls you" Chase smirked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"He doesn't control me. He just tells me what to do and when to-" Douglas started before his eyes widened as he looked at Chase when he realized what he was doing.

"Okay, you're on! Let's unlock a new ability" Douglas said as he stoof up from the couch. 

Chase smirked and nodded.

"But first, grab a bat. You and me are going to pay a little visit to Fisto Roboto" Douglas smirked.

Before I could respond he shook his head and pointed at me.

"Forget the bat, bring your girlfriend. She's stronger and scarier" Douglas said.

"Now we're talking" I smirked, making Chase chuckle.

The three of us quickly got into the elevator to get down to the lab, the doors to the elevator opened and we stepped out and entered the lab.

"Okay, we have to be quick before Donnie gets back. This..." Douglas said as he placed something onto Chase's neck.

"Ow" Chase winced in slight pain.

"Will let me look through your list of hidden abilities to see which one to give you" Douglas said as he picked up his tablet.

"Why don't you just give me 'em all?" Chase asked.

"No way in hell are you getting multiple abilities, not allowing it" I sternly said while clinging onto his arm.

He playfully rolled his eyes at me and kissed my forehead.

"Luna's right. And the human body can only take so much. It's-- It's like a water balloon. You fill it up too much and—well, I don't want to spend the night scraping Chase chunks off the ceiling" Douglas said.

Lab Rats: True LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora