15 | escape plan gone wrong

Start from the beginning

"That's the point. You're growing up and I'm scared of seeing my little girl move out." Julie tells her.

"It'll be no different to how we are now." Delilah informs. "And you left during a time where I would have needed you the most."

"Yeah, I saw the news." Julie states. "About your friend being a murderer. John B, is it?"

"That's him, but he wasn't the one to do it." Delilah replies. "Mom, I thought he died, and now he's been thrown into jail."

The woman notices the tears welling up in the young girls eyes as she talks about her friend. Julie chooses to walk forwards and wrap her arms around Delilah, making sure that her actions are slow to show that no harm is intended. Del just hesitates for a moment before deciding to hug her mother back too. But the daughter still has a guard up as a precaution, taken back by the sudden affection being given. Eventually, the pair break away from the hug and meet eyes.

"Do you mean it? That you're going to get better for me?" Delilah questions.

"Of course." Julie replies. "You're going through a hard time and I know that, Delilah. So I'm choosing to give drugs up to help you."

"Then promise me." Delilah insists.

"I... Honey, I- I can't." Julie stammers. "I'm going to rehab to sort everything out."

"Why did you leave rehab to begin with?" Delilah asks, confused. "You could've finished your time and come home."

The mother visibly freezes, lips being pulled into a thin line. Delilah just stares at her in disbelief that she even thought to believe the blatant lies that are being fed to her. The daughter shakes her head, a loud scoff slipping past her lips.

"Where were you really?" Delilah pushes.

"Jail." Julie admits. "I was where that friend of yours should've been."

"You say you want what's best for me then attack my friends. That's literally the exact opposite of what I want." Delilah fires back.

"Look, I'm still going to rehab." Julie informs.

"You can do that. You can get better. But I just don't think that we suit each other as family." Delilah tells her, tears in her eyes. "I can't just forget everything you did. And you can't stop telling me lies."

"Delilah, just give me a chance." Julie pleas.

"I want you to get better, I really do." Delilah states as she lets out a shaky breath. "But I can't continue this shit anymore. I just tried to give you a second chance and you already lied to me."

"I'm sorry." Julie apologises. "M- My sweet little girl. You've grown so much."

"I had to." Delilah replies. "Just go to rehab and get help, Mom. I'm fine living on my own anyway. My friends have my back."

A phone's ringtone goes off for a second or so as it vibrates against the hard metal that the device rests upon. But it doesn't just stop there, the ringtone goes off multiple more times to the point where it doesn't even to get to finish the sound. Delilah reaches over to the kitchen counter and picks the phone up to see a bunch of messages from JJ flood her notifications. Brows furrow together at the sight of what is being pleaded of her to do, confused.


I'm so sorry
I need your help
Answer me
I'm begging
Again, I'm so sorry
You were right
Help me
Read at 11:15pm

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now