~ C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N ~

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Y/N's POV-

It is the middle of March now. Many things had changed, and by many, I don't really mean that many. But there were some things here and there that were new.

For example, almost every class had received 1 or 2 new students. That explained why not every class was fully filled with people in the beginning of the school year, and also the changes in the cafeteria.

They basically added new tables that had more seats than the previous ones. At first, when I saw how many seats were now available, I thought that the school was crazy for thinking that they needed that many extra. But after every new student came to the cafeteria after a week or so, I had underestimated them. They sure filled up many seats.

The week that Levi had come back to attend his classes, was actually the week that the last couple of people came to our school. We had made friends with a girl, and eventually, most of us had agreed to invite her to come sit with us at our table. Seeing as there were like 4 extra seats that still had not been taken.

The only people that didn't really care if they did ask for her to sit with us were Levi, Annie, Mikasa, and me. It's not that we didn't want her sitting with us, but we couldn't say anything because we still didn't even get to know her like the others did. She wasn't in any of our classes, but since she had at least one of the others in some of hers, I guess they had talked to her and they didn't mind her. And I didn't either after getting to talk to her more.

Her name is Petra and she's frankly pretty nice. She's closer to Annie, which took me by surprise at first. But it made some sense after all. Annie is more quiet and Petra is more talkative, and Annie doesn't seem to get annoyed at her. I would've thought that by now, she probably wouldn't like Petra, but nope. They have a really nice friendship and I wouldn't be surprised if they become best friends one day. It would make sense.

It seemed as if no one wanted to sit with us, but apparently, it was quite the opposite. We only found out after Petra told us how everyone talked about the extra seats that they would have wanted to be sitting in at our table. Crazy to think about. It's actually a bit funny. Maybe if they would have talked to us, we most likely wouldn't mind.

But for now, there are 3 seats that are still empty and available.

I still didn't know every single one of the names of the new students except for like 5 or 6 people. The rest, I hear them, but then forget it.

Apart from school, the apartment is now fully furnished and completed. Both Mikasa and I wanted it to be like a feeling of coziness when you come inside, so that is exactly what we went for.

All of the furniture that they said needed to be comfortable, was 'tested' by Jean, Hange, Sasha, Eren, and Connie to make sure they were to their highest standards. And sure enough, everytime that they come, they instantly go straight for the couch. Sometimes I even think that their reasons to visit us or go to the apartment, is simply for the couch. A freaking couch!!

I'm glad they like it though, it just means that if we ever have people come over, they too will most likely enjoy it as well.

And one of the other main things, my mother was now a couple of weeks away from giving birth, and she found out the gender of the baby a couple of months ago. It was going to be a boy. The name that they came up with, which was pretty fast, was Lucas.

I honestly thought that they were going to have a more outgoing and surprising name. But they liked how Lucas sounded, so they went with it, and that's going to be his name once he is born, and that's not a long time from now. Not going to lie, I'm pretty excited for him to finally be here.

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