~ C H A P T E R S E V E N T E E N ~

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Y/N's POV-

The whole week passed by and none of those days did Levi bother showing up to one of his classes. The thing that he had to take care of must have been that serious then. 

He didn't just leave us to wonder about him though, he kept in contact every now and then with a message here and there. Yeah it would have been way better to hear it from him, but we didn't even know where he was. For all we know he could be in some other country right now. 

I know that he was here on tuesday real quick for something, but im not counting that as a day that he was in school. I didn't even see him, but apparently he saw me. His text read:  I saw you today rq, I made sure to see you go into 1st period. Levi should have at least said a quick 'hi' or 'hello', but he didn't.

I had asked him what he went into the school building for, and he told me that it was basically so that the staff didn't ask about him constantly. I guess it's like a permission or something similar or like that. 

I should have known that the 'possibly' that he gave me was most likely going to be a no. But like I said, at least he wasn't just absent the whole week without leaving us with some sort of information. He sent texts here and there. I was settled with that, at least he was letting us know. 

Hopefully this week he will show up. Yesterday he didn't come to his classes either though. We'll see in a bit, once we get to school. Eren shouldn't be long until he comes and picks us up. 

Mikasa peaked her head through the opened door and said "He's downstairs." and left to get her book bag. 

We started heading downstairs and sure enough, Eren was parked outside waiting for us. 

"Hey." Eren greeted. 

I opened the door and both Mikasa and I said "Hey." to him too. When I peaked my head to get in I saw Levi sitting there man spreading in the backseat. 

"Hey, you're here." I said to him with a smile. 

"Yeah," he chuckled and grabbed my wrist "now get in so we can leave now." and pulled me down to sit. I didn't even realize Mikasa was already seated. As soon as I sat down and closed the door, Eren started driving and didn't even wait for me to get comfortable. What a nice person. 

"Why aren't you in your normal car?" I asked Levi.

"Umm, I'm getting a new one." he said. 

"Oh word?" I asked.

"Yup, I got tired of the last one." he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Oh my, I didn't know people just changed their cars like they did clothes." I joked and they laughed. 

"Nah nothing like that." Levi said with a chuckle.

"You guys want to stop by the store to find something quick to eat before we enter school?" Eren asked when he was at a red light. 

"I say yes." Mikasa said and I agreed.

Once the light changed, Eren quickly made a turn to the corner store and parked in front of it so that we could get out and go inside. 

When we got our shit and paid, we went back to the car. I was going to ask Levi about where he had gone missing for last week and yesterday, but if he wasn't going to bring it up, neither was I. Mainly because what if he didn't want to talk about it or it was just something personal, I wasn't going to be asking about his business right now. Later if he wants to talk about that, then sure let's talk about it then, but that will be his own choice to make. Not mine. 

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