~ C H A P T E R N I N E ~

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Y/N's POV-
We gave the directions of how to get to the apartment to Levi once we got in his car. He started driving while Jean put on his music again. 

It wasn't going to be a far drive honestly, I think we would be able to get there in 10 or 15 minutes. Maybe even less.

On the way, as we were getting to where the apartment complex was, the neighborhood didn't seem that bad. Considering the city where we live, almost everywhere it's bad. There was probably not even one street that you wouldn't find something strange or unsafe. I guess the people that live around here just got used to it. I know I did.

Once we were in front of the building, we waited for the person that was supposed to show us around the apartment. We had gotten here at 3:46, expecting that they would be the ones waiting for us. It was the other way around. 

In the meanwhile, Mikasa and I went through everything that we had agreed to ask. Like about rent cost, the billings, the utilities, and things like that. 

Being completely honest, I didn't know much about the beginning sort of things when looking for an apartment. I know the basics, but Mikasa is really the one that did her research and knew way more about this than I did.

She was fine dealing with that part, while I looked around to check anything that we might need to be concerned about. That was what I was going to be doing while she talked to the realtor.

For now, all we mainly knew was that if we were to move in, we would be on the second floor. We had preferred to be on the second floor instead of the first because we thought it would be better. And we didn't want to be on the first floor, so in a way, it works out.

The realtor was 17 minutes late when they finally showed up. Certainly not the most professional thing to do. 

Levi had started to get annoyed at the fact that we kept on having to wait. Jean told us that Levi doesn't like it when he has to wait a lot more than the supposed time. He has a valid reason too though, he was almost 20 minutes late. 

The realtor was a more older sort of short man with his hair slicked back covering up some bald spots on his head. His suit was a bit big on him, and he knew it since he kept on trying to roll up the sleeves every now and then. From the moment that he introduced himself, he seemed very nervous, fidgety, and unprofessional. It might have been the fact that he was not here at the time that we had agreed on. He said that his name was Ben Walker when he was coming out of his now parked car, but to just call him Ben. 

"Sorry for my tardiness," he said, shaking all of our hands except for Levi who just looked at him and his hand before Ben took a hint and put it down. "I was running a bit late because my wife an-" 

"We don't care to hear your life story." Levi interrupted the man with such coldness in his voice.

Since the first days of school that we had all gotten along, I had forgotten how rude Levi could be. Like of course he wouldn't be all nice and shit, but he wasn't as mean and impolite like he would usually be. 

He would still say one or two sudden remarks here and there in each class, well at least the ones that I had with him. And that's that we were kind of like a distraction to all his abrupt sayings because we would be talking about random stuff or anything like that, and he wouldn't notice anything to trigger him to say things. 

I don't even know how he would be in other classes that Jean, Mikasa, and I weren't in. He would probably note things much more and call people out for their shit.

"Uh right, I'm sorry." Ben quickly apologized and continued, changing the topic back. "Well follow me inside so that we can continue." he said leading us to the apartment complex building. He showed us where the elevator was and the stairs. 

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