~ C H A P T E R T W EN T Y N I N E ~

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Y/N's POV-

Apparently, Ms. Brooks was going to be our new gym teacher. She was the one that we had been having since the coach hadn't been coming any more. I honestly don't even know why he stopped coming. I heard some were saying that he had retired but I don't think so because he still looked young, but who knows, he might have.

Ever since Levi had showed me the weight room, we had started going there because it is quieter and better in our opinion. No one else goes in like Levi said, and since no one does, I guess we had just decided to go in there from that day on.

Sometimes we will talk non stop, and other times we end up enjoying each other's presence in the silent way.

I like it a lot.

I confide in him with literally everything and it is so easy to do so as well. I try to take advantage of this because I don't know when will be the last time he and I will come into the weight room to just talk or say nothing at all. I try not to think like that because that is hopefully nowhere near and I feel like if I keep thinking like that, I will just speak it into existence. No way I want that.

We could be found here, in the weight room, once again today. It was Wednesday.

We usually get to the gym at the same time, but when either one of us is a bit earlier, we wait for each other. He is mainly the one to wait for me. Like today.

"You know, I think I might go on Saturday." I said to Levi. "Debating on it actually."

"Why is that?" Levi asked.

"I don't know, I don't think Mikasa will go because she has to work that day from 2-10 and she will most likely want to stay home." I explained.

Whilst we were in our lunch period earlier today, Connie as perusual, mentioned how there was going to be a party happening on Saturday. He showed us who had posted it and if I remember correctly, it was this guy who is always throwing the best get togethers and parties and shit like that. So much shit goes down that it is just a part of it at this point. I've only missed out on two of them, and highly regretted it. I always have so much fun going, hence why I didn't really know if I should miss out or go.

I think it would be good to go, you know to be stress free for at least that night. Get away from babysitting for this time. And in a way, it kind of works out if I decide to go because my mom has this Saturday off, which means that she won't be bringing me Lucas this time.

Plus I do always go with Mikasa, but she did mention how she worked on Saturday. And even though the party will most likely end really late like always, I wouldn't expect her to want to go because I know how tiring it could be. She would probably enjoy staying home better, that nice rest.

"You going?" I asked Levi, turning my head to the left to look at him. We were sitting on one of the benches that had a table a few feet away from it. Most likely for people to place their belongings on. It wasn't so high up, almost like 3½ - 4 feet high.

"It depends." He answered.

"Huh? Depends on what?"

"If you go or not." He simply answered.

I gave him a smile.

"Then I might go. You know, so you could come through as well." I shrugged my shoulders, acting as if I didn't really care. He knew I did though.

"You might just have to do that." He flirted along with a small smirk.

"You think?" I said in a lower tone.

"I hope you do. I love having your presence beside me. You know that already."

"Who says I will be beside you?" I playfully said to him.

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