~ C H A P T E R E I G H T ~

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Y/N's POV-

Levi had dropped Jean off at his house and Mikasa and I at my place before leaving. I thanked him for the ride before though of course. Mikasa had called Eren to let him know that she was going to be with me at the moment. He was fine with it because she would almost always do this pretty regularly. Eren had already become accustomed to it by this time.

Once we entered the apartment, Mikasa went straight to the couch to plop herself on it. She always said that it was soft and comfortable to sit on, so she made it a habit to always go to it first. I didn't mind it honestly. If anything, I take it as a compliment. Who wouldn't want people to enjoy their furniture and say that their couch was pleasant to be on?

I went to the kitchen to get her some water. Over the time of knowing her, when I would ask her what she would want to drink she would always say water first before anything. And then after some time she would ask me for either coffee, juice, or more water depending on what she was feeling on drinking that day. 

"Ooh when did you get this shirt? It looks nice. I like the print on it" Mikasa yelled from the living room.

"Wait hold up, I'll be there in a bit." I yelled back, getting yogurt from the fridge. I grabbed an extra one in case Mikasa wanted one too, and if she didn’t then I would just eat it. But she would most likely take it.

"Here's your water and I brought you one too just in case you also wanted one." I said handing her over a spoon as well and sitting next to her.

"Thank you. Here, look, it's this one." Mikasa tossed me the shirt. 

As soon as I saw the color of the shirt, I knew who it was from. She had unfolded it already to see it. When I held it up from the top to see it properly, I was right. It was none other than Levi's other shirt that I had washed. 

I didn't think that this would be the shirt that she would be showing me. I thought that it would be something that I left laying around, or something that I didn't pick up when cleaning. Nope, it definitely wasn't that.

He had put on the shirt he had let me sleep with and left the other one here on accident most likely. I didn't even realize that he had left it when we were leaving the apartment. 'He must have forgotten it on the way out.'. 

At this point, I had 2 choices to tell Mikasa. The first one would be to tell her the truth and that it was one of Levi’s shirts that he left when changing. And the second one would be to lie to her about it, and tell her that it was mine and I hadn't worn it ever before. It was immediately an obvious and easy decision to decide.

"Oh yeah, I ordered it not too long ago online and I was going to try it on earlier ,but I’ll do that later." I lied. The good thing is that the shirt actually looked like something I would wear. So I could most definitely play this off.

If I had gone with the first option, I knew that she was going to ask me questions and I already knew what they were going to be about. Plus, she would have not left me alone about it either. I've known her long enough to know what to do at this moment. 

Even though I don't like to have to lie to her, I only do it when it's necessary. And it's never something to major or something she would get pissed at me for doing. I always quickly think when I'm going to tell a lie, and if it would hurt anyone in any way. If it does, I simply just tell the truth and avoid any problems that my other option would bring.

"No, please try it on right now. I want to see how it looks on you." she beamed with excitement.

My lie worked, I don’t know if I should be happy it did or ashamed. Ever since I was little, I would always lie my way out of things when I needed to. And I guess it came in handy in situations like these, even if they aren't that important. 

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