Stylist Noona Pt 78 (Oh, Oh.)(smut/ fluff)

Start from the beginning

Wetness coats your fingers, as you draw circles over your clit. It doesn't feel half bad, pretty good in fact.

Once you get out of your own head, and turn on some sexy songs to stop the infernal silence, you feel pretty good. It's nothing like the hot steamy sessions you've had with the guys, but it's enough to get you fantasizing.

Visions of Jin, shirtless at the gym, naked and dripping wet in the shower, moaning as you ride him, all the sexy things you can think of, run through your mind. Your core physically aches for him to touch you.


You hear the door shut, and you freeze in place. A hand still poised to play with your clit between your bent and parted legs, a moan caught in the recesses of your throat. Flicking your eyes open you see Jin, leaning against the door, looking all kinds of smug. His arms are crossed loosely over his chest and his smirk sears through you.

"Don't stop on my account." He gestures for you to keep going.

Hesitantly you start to work on yourself with shaking hands. Keeping your eyes on Jin you watch as he rounds the bed sitting on the far side of the mattress. He looks you up and down, not meeting your gaze. A finger grazes your thigh and side.

"Did you cum?"

"No," you shake your head adamantly. A few whimpers part your lips as your right nipple is taken between his fingers with a slight pinch.

"Mmm princess, do I make you nervous" He pinches at your other nipple making you squirm again.

"N-no sir." You breathe, still keeping your eyes on his hand inspecting you, studying his every move, hanging on each word.

His hand pulls your chin up to force eye contact.

"No?" You shake your head again. "Okay then," he takes his hand away, moving closer to the foot of the bed. "Touch yourself for me."

"What?" He's not going to help?? But you need him so badly...

"You heard me princess, let me watch you. Go on. Unless you'd rather I go back to work."

"No, please don't leave." You're not nervous, but desperate, and needy.

Taking a deep breath you try to relax under his watch. You close your eyes and let your fingers perform for him.

Small moans escape your lips as you play with yourself. Some of those moans are a bit exaggerated for effect, you hope he'll hear how much you're enjoying it and need to jump in.

The faint sound of a zipper undoing hums above the sensual music still playing. You open your eyes again, having a good guess you'll like what you see.

Oh boy do you. Jin has one arm back to prop himself up as he lounges, his button down shirt is open and framing his torso. His other hand is palming his cock through his boxers, with his jeans pulled down just enough so you can see his bulge very clearly.

You give an unintentional whimper at the sight of his tented pants. Partly because you want him so badly, and mostly because you already know how much that cock is going to fill you up in a few moments.

"What's the matter princess?" He looks down his nose at you, watching how locked onto his cock your eyes are. "Something you want?"

"Yes sir, please, I need it so badly." You plead, rolling your hips trying to entice him further. "Please."

"Need what princess? Hmm?" He pushes down his boxers slowly until his cock springs out of the confines of his boxers. Jin has big hands, but when they are wrapped around the base of his cock... well, yannow. "Is this what you wanted?"

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