Kaa (Platonic Scenario - "Snake in the Grass")

Start from the beginning

Dread began to blossom in the heart of the Indian Rock Python. It ballooned and drew anxieties from an environment where he had declared himself the king. Before an instinctive apology ousted his last hope for a silent escape, the lush flora that shielded its face from the silver gaze of the moon could not disguise the black fur that hugged its body. The fear that was knotting his stomach turned to anger and humiliation, and an opalescent ripple of green and blue filled his eyes.

Kaa opened them to an unnatural degree and stretched the line of his mouth into a scowl. As he neared the collection of thick leaves and sweet-smelling flowers, the shadow of the cat grew fainter until it vanished as if it were a mirage. The snake dangled for a moment, stupefied, before plunging into a frantic search of the closest bushes. A cough, nasty and raw with disdain for the frigid air that blanketed the jungle, pulled Kaa to the sight of you vying for control of your legs.

The serpent's tail plummeted from an adjacent tree and impeded your attempt at fumbling into the thick of the herbage to locate the village. "It's best not to linger, man-cub. The jungle can be rather-" his head shook with a mischievous chuckle, although the warning was relevant to both you and himself "-unfriendly at night."

* * *

The world seemed to lay just beyond the veil that cloaked your vision, but no matter how many bursts of light or fuzzy shapes teased the idea of sight, the darkness would never lift higher than the occasional memory. What little you remembered of the shape of neighbours yielded flashes of strange faces that either lacked most features or were presumed to be correct but failed to assemble an image that your mind could understand. When Kaa spoke, green and blue circles would pop throughout your vision and cease once he, often with a twinge of frustration lacing his voice, fell silent.

His scales were like a cold piece of leather beneath your fingertips, pushing against your hands when the snake ascended a new tree and during turns, would tilt just enough for your palms to brush the glass-like scales of his underside. "Are we close to the river?" The spindly trunk of Kaa made for a turbulent ride, and the memory of how grass blades, dirtied and crooked from paws much larger than your own, would hook your toes had begun to fade into an imagined tingle.

The many voices of the jungle conversed in a tongue indecipherable to your ears. Tropical birds passed different fractions of the same story through the trees and earned a variety of reactions that ranged from uproarious caws to rapid chirps, while the distant laughter of monkeys echoed over a joke unknown to you from their kingdom in the height of the foliage. Vibrations throbbed across the darkness as if a creature were sustaining a groan in the back of its throat, spilling from the abysm of a cave and provoking the animals into a raucous chorus of howls and shrieks.

"The jungle is an awfully big place," whispered Kaa, easing his coils around a lower branch and descending with caution that had been absent from the rest of the journey. "It would be most unwise to cross it without a friend to guide you."

* * *

A white mouse scurried across the branch, its snowy coat glowing against the bumpy texture of the jungle wood. The creature rubbed its head with a set of pink toes, and its nose twitched with a squeak that was imperceptible to your ears but resembled a dinner bell to the greedy Indian Rock Python, who was drooping towards his next meal.

The rodent jumped, and Kaa snapped his jaws shut around its tiny body. It wriggled inside his mouth, squeaking and squirming in a desperate attempt to free itself.

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