Two Weeks Ago.

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[This chapter is a flashback, from Eric, two weeks before Jane woke up, and 5 hours after the genocide.]

"Should be safe now" Said Eric after opening the windows, goes to the kitchen and prepares a simple coffee.
He kept on thinking and stressing about if Jane will ever wake up. And to forget that, Eric took his armor, and guns puts them in the car, and goes out seeking distraction by going to the old grocery stores to take some snacks, books and movie CD's.

"I don't feel secure at all in this world, there's no difference, well the only difference is that people are dead and i get to have weapons to feel more secure" Said Eric, "The hell I'm speaking to myself".

A phone call rings at Eric's phone, Eric picks up:


-Eric, this is Pike.

-Well they told me that i can't contact the main commander, looks like I can after all.

-I know this, is the first time, and the last, unless there's any case of betrayal, which I certainly don't wish walking down in that path with you Eric.

-I know Commander, I know, I read all the rules you gave, Executed every order you ordered, and I will always, but why calling?

-Well, I called you this time to warn you like everybody else.

-Warn me?

-To be honest I know damn well that I don't need to warn you but I still want to clear out the passage so that we can't have any consequences.

-Sure Boss, whatever you say I do.

-Okay, first of all, don't you ever say anything to your girl, try your best at convincing her, but don't leak any information about us, the female you've chosen is a strong one, try taking on her without any leaks, you know it's a consequence that should be dealt with death and only death.

-You got it Sir.

-Also expect her resisting physically.

-I'm actually counting on that as a part of the convincing plan.

-Good son.

-Sir? Can I ask you a question.

-Go ahead Eric.

-What if she dies?

-You die.

-And what if one of the workers chips goes off?

-That's two questions, and don't you fucking dare and ask that again, believe me it's for your own good. Said the Commander Pike before hanging up.

Eric continue to speak to himself:

"I wanna go back. I don't wanna live like that, I could've leaked this genocide plan to the police before executing it, but why didn't I move an inch. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my parents." Eric started screaming while hitting his head against the wooden wall, so hard that he broke it, but he doesn't stop, suddenly, he hears a loud voice of someone walking, he takes out his gun following the noise, Eric finally could see the person, an old man, but too away from seeing his face, the old man started asking for help, his voice is shaking, the more he walks, the more he loses balance on his walk, Eric gets closer while aiming the gun at him, the old man falls, Eric started running faster towards him, and when he got closer, he aimed at him again, getting closer and closer, Eric got his weapon down, his eyes full of tears, "Eric- Save yourself" Said the old man, before passing out, Eric got on his knees looking straight forward, "grandpa" Said Eric with a low shaky voice, he looked down at his grandfather, closed his eyes, Eric started screaming "Why" the only word that's running on his mind, without leaving him. After a few hours of Eric refilling his bags with snacks, he finally said goodbye to his grandpa, buried him in a safe peaceful forest. Eric goes back home, thinking about his life choices such as why did he choose to end it all, asking when will he finally feel secure and when will he forget about the lives he took. Thinking about how he will get to force the female he chose, the female he loves to tame with, knowing that he'll have to live with the things he's done, knowing that his hands are 100% covered of humanity's blood.

After two weeks later...

Eric finished his workout, and while going to the shower, his computer declared a signal notification, of Jane's waking up. It's time to not only convince, but to try his best on forcing himself to get convinced by Jane to help her return back humanity, it's time for Eric to put his rebellious and guilt thoughts into act.

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