Getting to work

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Jane wakes up from a long sleep, Eric is not with her on the bed.

-Did he wake up? Says Jane to herself.

She gets up, puts her clothes on and goes out in the kitchen:

-Good morning! Says Eric, there's two tomatoes there can you get them for me? I'm making Mediterranean Breakfast Pitas! Sounds fancy right?

-Eric I wanna know something.

-Sure! Ask.

-Did anything happen between us yesterday?

-No, what do you mean?

-I was so tired that i didn't remember a thing when we got home, I only remember you laying on the bed so I thought maybe we did something out of red.

-Oh, no no I slept on the couch, for some reasons, maybe it's because I put you on the bed, you didn't wake up when we got here, so I had to carry you to the bed.

-You injected me with one of your drugs didn't you.

-Nope, I didn't, if I injected you, you'd feel a pain in your neck, plus why would I? I already promised you that i won't force you on anything.

-Mediterranean Breakfast Pitas huh? My mom used to make those. Said Jane.

-Well I'll beat your mom at the taste because I'm the top chef of the family, or at least I was, heh.

-Sure we'll see. Aye since the day I got here you've been cooking, at least let me do something. Says Jane.

Jane stands up and goes to help Eric, he started looking at her, she then starts to step on his feet:

-Stop looking at me, says Jane while chuckling.

-you're beautiful today.

-Last time you said that, you almost got yourself killed.

afterwords, both started to look at each other smiling:

-Are you gonna do it? Says Jane.

Eric started to put Jane's bangs behind her ear, softly admiring the beauty that she's having, they eventually kissed, it was a special moment for them both, as for Jane, it was her first kiss, and for Eric, getting the love of his life.

-Shoot, the egg is going to get overcooked.

-So I'm being a distraction now huh, says Jane.

-Yes, but in a good way. Is it me or I'd like to have some wine like ASAP.

-Fuck you, now I want some too, but isn't it too early? nah fuck it, Eric do you have some wine?

-Lucky for us, I do have some good quality drink, but I'll get it once we start the work. And also, I wanna promise you something.

-What is it Mr.Eric?

-Once this whole thing ends, I'm gonna get a jet, flight, boat whatever it takes, and take you to France! Paris, we'd have a nice date there, with some good quality wine, and who knows maybe I'll plan our wedding there.

-woah, slow down there buddy, marriage seriously? We just kissed and you already up for marriage?

-Oh that must be a lot for you. We'll talk about the marriage another day.

-I'm not complaining though. Says Jane.

-What do you mean?

-Fuck yeah, of course how could I deny a marriage proposal in Paris? What kind of idiot you think I am?

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