A long trip

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Jane wakes up in the morning, puts her clothes on, takes some food and snacks and puts her stuff in the car. She found Eric's 90s CDs, she took them all and took the car and she's ready for the ride.

She starts the car, and she puts a-ha's Take On Me song.

-It's your favorite isn't it shithead. Says Jane.

Jane comes back to the power station where she tries to find a new boss like Ella to try and investigate who's the main boss of this country. She gets out of the car and heads to the entry, where she finds a security gard.

-Hey, I'm looking for the boss of these workers, can I go in?

-Why would I let you?

-I want to talk to him, I'm sure he'll recognize me.

-You look familiar, I'm gonna let you in but hand me your weapons if you have them.

-Weapons? Why should I hand my weapons?

-See a while ago a girl and her husband came here- Wait a minute, we killed all our population how are you-

The security guard takes his gun, but he's too slow for Jane to stab him silently.

-Glad you're a slow thinker. Says Jane after disarming his gun.

Jane enters and finds a guy waiting for her while sitting on a chair.

-Welcome, Jane.

-How'd you know my name?

-The guy that you just met or more like you just killed, is a slow thinker, but I'm not.

-(Jane talking with herself) are we both thinking the same way?

-I'm here to ask questions and I'll think about not ripping your head off your body. Says Jane after taking her dagger.

-Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you, my name is Johnathan Petrov, you can call me John, I'm the new boss of this shitty place, but I'll fix it.

-Shut the fuck up already.

Jane runs to John, attacking him straight to his neck, John dodges the hit, grabs her hand and takes her down. Jane is having a hard time to breathe properly.

-See the problem in you girls, you always think you can be the "bad" little ones. You're fast yes true, but you didn't train, I mean come on for real? Attacking a strong individual like me isn't wise girl let me tell you that.

Jane stands up and tries again, she fails by getting a strong hit in her stomach and goes on the ground.

-Damn it feels so good hitting a naive girl who thinks she can do goods. Accept the fact that you're useless woman. I'm not gonna do some lame sexist jokes but come to think about it, you're bad at fighting and bad at cooking isn't it useless for you to exist?

John takes Janes hands and forces them on the ground so she cant move.

-You're bad at cooking, and bad at fighting, let's see if you're good at making love, this place is pretty hot for a russian like me, at least let me have some fun.

Jane kick John in his nuts, tackles his left leg and jumps at him, where they both fall, She takes the dagger and puts it on John's neck.

-I may be bad at things but I'm good at knocking someone down and ripping his head off, now tell me asshole, where's the main base.

-Main base? What are you talking about? You think this is a government thing? It's far from government we exist everywhere woman, everywhere.

-Who's the main boss and where can I find him, talk or ill rip off your vocal chords.

-Well, it's gonna be hard to believe, but it's a robot.

-Then where is he and how can I fucking destroy him.

-he's in L.A, at the top of the mountain.

-Fucking L.A? Are you fucking kidding me it takes around 40hours to arrive there from New York.

-Take it or leave it.

-Where is Eric.

-Eric? Who's Eric?

-Are you gonna spit what I want to hear or should I put this dagger right in you're balls?

-Ahahaha, you mean Micheal?


-Oh we called him that when he got up.

-What the fuck?

-I think it's about time.

John calls the security, where soldiers entered the room. Jane jumps at John and threatens his life.

-Tell them to put their gun down and I'll leave you.

-I can't.

-You can't? Well then fucking die.

Suddenly a voice from the hall screaming "STOP!", everyone is confused.

-Well there he is, says john.

-Who the fuck is that now.

Eric enters the room.

-Jane, put the dagger down. Says Eric.

Jane puts her dagger down, she seemed so surprised that she dropped the dagger.


-Jane let's talk quietly.


-Jane please calm down and let me explain



-I told you Eric, women aren't that easy.

Eric takes a gun from one of the soldiers, loads it and shoots John right between his eyes.

-And you that's what you get for forcing and raping a girl like that, now, Jane, let's talk.

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