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Jane wakes up, she gets out to find Eric preparing the lunch.

-Good morning! Says Eric, You're early! Serve yourself girl, serve yourself, there's some Bacon, got some eggs over there and let me tell you something, it's magnifico!

-You sound very motivated, wonder why.

-Well, your words from yesterday motivated me especially the "I'll get humanity part" you don't know how much i miss Richard's hot dogs.

-Who's Richard?

-My old man, whispers Eric after putting the two Bacons in Jane's plate

-Your old man? Interesting.

-Now I may ask, how are you going to bring back humanity?

-Since you told me in every continent there's 50 workers and 2 maters, which means in every continent we find 52 person, surely there's someone who already mated, my mission is to make those workers mate as well.

-You can't Jane.

-And why can't I

-Because they know they shouldn't mate. There's a chip installed in their brains, they are programmed and meant for work and only work, each person holds a work of 25 person.

-And how about you Mr.Mate Me?

-There's nothing installed in my brain, since I succeeded the test.

-So you're telling me that they are being forced to work?

-Pretty much yes.

-And what if, I force them to mate?

-they'll kill you, I already told you they are doing a 25 person work. They're strong enough to take me you and 6 other people like us.

-Eric I wanna get out.

-Where do you wanna go?


-The storm probably brought some of the virus we're gonna have to wait for some hours to get out.

-I see.

Jane gets up and walks to Eric.

-Waiting for you in my room. Says Jane with a sensual way.

Jane got in her room. While Eric sat still in his seat looking straight forward, he nods before going to the room, knowing what she's up to.
He walks in, the room is dark and there's a little red light.

"What are you waiting for, jump on the bed and let's do it." Says Jane, Eric walked on the bed nervously.

-you're stressed, says Jane. How about you take off your clothes.

Eric took off his shirt.

Suddenly, the lights turned off, Jane jumped from behind holding a knife on his throat "give me the keys" she says. Eric started counting.

-five, six, seven

-What the fuck are you doing, you're counting? What the hell? Wait, you didn't take your clothes off.

-Yeah of course I didn't you think i didn't expect you doing this? Why the hell are you even naked at this point.

-I was planning on maybe you can see me, wait why am I tripping-

-And ten. You can hear me, but you can't move. I injected you with a drug, get some sleep girl.

Jane fell down, and Eric caught her while she's falling.

-Oh my, I don't wanna look at you like that.

He puts a blanket around her and took her to her bed.

After a few hours, Jane woke up, she put her clothes on, and found Eric sleeping under her bed.

-Wake up you shit.

-what happened?

-Did you fucking injected a drug on me and you took advantage on that? Says Jane while holding a knife on Eric's throat.

-Which part of I don't force you that you can't understand?

-Eric answer the question or I'll fucking stab you

-No I didn't Jane, I told you, I can't force anything, where's the fun in it?

-I'll check myself get the fuck out, you better be telling the truth.

-Now that you woke up, it's time to do something very important to our plan.

-Our plan? We never had any plan.

-You're wrong there Mrs.Jane.

-Sure, don't call me that shithead.

Jane put her clothes on, while Eric prepared the car.

-Nice car there shithead.

-It's a custom mustang. Got it when y'all died, and please don't call me that ever again.

-Sure, shithead.

Jane and Eric took off, they're heading to the power station.

-So why are we going there?

-We're going to meet one of my allies.

-Who is it.

-You'll find out.

After a 5 hours trip, Eric and Jane arrived at the power station, Eric looked at Jane and said:

-look, stay with me, do not leave my sight, once they find you alone in a corner, trust me, the chip that they installed in them, isn't 100% reliable. Let's say it gives them a chance to have feelings, and especially feelings for sexual stuff, the chip is still updating, so please don't leave my sight.

-I know how to protect myself Eric.

-A person like me beat you while you were with a gun, like I said they are holding a great work that requires great strength so they're able to beat you in a second trust me on this one.

-Fine, we'll see about that. Hey can I use this dagger?

-Where the fuck did you find that?

-right under this seat, my seat, so I guess it's mine since it's my seat.

-No give it back to me.

Jane takes the dagger and points it at Eric's neck

-I said its my seat.

-You know that i can take off this thing real quick, but I won't have to since you're-

-Jesus shut the fuck up Eric you explain things way too fast.

-Fine take the dagger.

Eric and Jane gets out of the car while they walking towards the station.

-ERRRIICCC! Screamed Ella, greeting Eric and Jane.

-hahaha hey Ella, I was going to ask how are you but I guess you're fine.

-Damn boy, said Ella, a black suit and you've gotten even taller.

-Well actually you've gotten smaller, you lifting a lot of heavy stuff I see.

-Nah, I'm the boss in here. They do anything wrong? Boom the chip explodes, but I can't magically know if someone is doing something naughty so I have to watch them myself.

- I see.

-Also who is this wonderful pretty little girl right there.

-oh that's Jane, Jane this is Ella, Ella this is Jane

-Nice to meet you, but not really, if you know what I mean, says Jane.

-Well, I'm very sorry, I wish we could meet in a better situation, but I guess everything is done now, unless you wanna mate with Eric and bring back humanity, whispers Ella.

Eric and Jane looks at each other, wondering about the hole that they just got themselves into.

-Well you see I cant stay under this heating sun in the middle of the desert, plus i gotta watch the workers come in let me make you a small tour and then we'll talk business.

-Sure, says Jane.

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