Chapter two: My name is Jane.

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[at this moment, Jane woke up. She's confused and trying to get answers]

-my name is Jane Poker. I'm 24. what else you can remember. Come on think Jane! THINK. Oh right, what happened to this world. i don't know if im alone in this world all I know is, that I woke up from a large sleep, someone knocked me out, I dont know I just felt something pushing my blood cells. Fuck. Where the fuck are my parents. This whole shit ain't right. Is it even safe to go out? Where's my mom? Why isn't everyone responding my phone calls. Is it a fucking prank. Okay let's say this is a prank, it can't be everyone involved in it, that's impossible, I should call a very unusual person, a person i barely even talk with.

Jane picks up her phone to call Jamie, her old best friend, suddenly an unknown person calls her.

-What? this number seems, odd. Well if I decided to call someone unusual there we go- wait. What if this whole fucking thing is serious, I can't post shit on the internet since the net has been cut. I'm gonna pick up.

-Hello Jane
-what? Who's this?
-I bet you're confused, let me explain everything.
-Don't explain anything, who the fuck are you, what's happening, is it even safe to go out?
-I said let me explain, Please.
-I killed everyone in this world.
- Haha nice joke, said Jane, now explain the fuck is happening.
-You know me well, my name is Eric Willie. I'm that guy who tried to talk to you.
- what the fu-
-You sure curse alot, look, at this point, I don't care. I killed everyone, long story short, I love you, you don't know how much I worked for this moment, it's just so awful for us to meet like this but I don't have any other way- (takes a deep breath) look, if you want to reproduce and bring back humanity, you don't have anyone, except me.
-What the fuck? This is too much for me, yesterday I was joking with friends and today I'm here, talking to a crazy person that I don't even know.

-Where are your parents Jane?

(both goes silent)

-Go outside, ask yourself, why isn't anybody around? the cars are just there, but is there any human being?

Jane got out, seeing the cars empty, she didn't find anyone of her family, no animals, no people, only car alarms.

-Eric the fuck is happening?

-Like I said, I put an end to every breathing creature, everyone you know and may loved is dead unfortunately, and so everyone I know, everyone's dead Jane, there's only you and me. I'm not forcing you, but I'm telling you there's only one way to save humanity, and the only way is with me.

-The only way? The fuck you think? Said Jane, you're, Eric you're selfish.

-Well I am sorry, is that what you want to hear? Now, what happened has already happened, let's meet, and maybe we'll talk about when you're ready to-.

Eric stops for a moment and then finishes his sentence.

-When you're ready to talk, that's what I meant.

-No, says Jane, I won't fucking do a shit to you. you're a selfish piece of shit who killed the whole fucking world just for a female. I acknowledge how smart you are. But do you know what else i acknowledged, you're selfish ass who ignored everyone, who ignored the consequences of the nature once humanity disappears. Now let me tell you something, you and you're MASTER plan are dead, hear that? YOU'RE ASS IS DEAD, now, I'm gonna sound a little fucked up, but I am bringing back humanity, just without you.

- very well, we're gonna meet soon, about the food, you can go to the groceries everyone's dead.

-Fuck you.

(both hangs up the phone at the same time)

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