One more step, and we're good to go.

10 1 0

It's 6 AM, Eric woke Jane up, both had their breakfast and they headed down to their lab.

-I've got a confession to make. Says Eric.

-What's up?

-I invented something some days ago.

-What is it?

-This, says Eric while struggling to lift it, I'd like to call it the Magic Stick.

Jane continues to stare at Eric without any comment, but full disappointment.

-Ok I better explain before ending up getting killed by you.

-Yeah you better cause my hand is trying it's best not to take the dagger out. Says Jane.

-Well, you see we're not going to simply hack into the robot and destroy it, we're gonna need this.

-And what the fuck does it do.

-Okay so, basically it gets through the connection section, blocks all the informations that's sending and receiving, puts them in a box, and boom, they're all gone.

-Please tell me that's just a metaphor.

-Of course it is Jane, I'm not an idiot.

-Says the guy named Eric.

-Okay you didn't have to do me like that.

After a short while, Eric turns to Jane and says:

-Go suit up hero, you're about to bring back humanity.

Jane looks at him and throws a knife at Eric, only to hit right next to Eric's head.


-And Forged these sweet little babies when you were building that magic stick.

-Fair enough.

Jane and Eric goes up stairs, Jane took her red long leather coat, her scabbard and her long black boots. As Eric took his normal black clothes.

-You look too fancy for a fight. Says Jane.

-Well you're too shiny for a fight, answers Eric.

Eric and Jane got out to the garage, refilling the car's gasoline, and putting some weapons in the back. Eric turns and finds Jane sneaking with snacks that she wants to put in the backseat for the ride:

-What? Says Jane, it's a 40 hours trip I don't wanna get bored.

Eric nods while looking at her.

-Don't stare at me like that or I'll add more. Says Jane.

-We're going to drive 8 hours a day, then we stop for some sleep you better be prepared for that.

-I'll do my best at trying not to eat all the food. Says Jane.

-You better. Responds Eric.

Jane and Eric hit the road, ready for the 42 hours trip, from New York to Los Angeles, the final road that'll bring everything to an end.

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